10 Worst Things About Living In A Small Town
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10 Worst Things About Living In A Small Town

Having to get along with everyone...

10 Worst Things About Living In A Small Town

So, let me start off by saying I absolutely love my small hometown dearly. This place has shaped who I am as a person and for that, I am forever grateful. However, there are a few things about living in a small town that absolutely sucks. They're actually kind of funny too.

1. Grocery Shopping

You're almost guaranteed to run into everyone you have ever known from your high school Algebra Teacher, to your ex-boyfriend's new fiance, or even better your ex's family that never really seemed to like you in the first place. Have no worries though, no matter how hard and fast you try to dive into the Vitamin Aisle they'll catch you every time. Also add that this will mainly happen when you look your absolute worst, have alcohol in your buggy, or when you are in the absolute biggest hurry.

2. Parking

Ummm so no, I don't mean trying to find a parking space. In a small town the places to leave your car is limited. This applies to adults who may be seeing someone new and just happen to stay the night, or this could apply to teenagers whose vehicle is spotted at a location that is not exactly where they told their parents they would be. You can almost bet you'll receive a text from saying, "oohhh I saw your car parked at so-and-so last night..." Teenagers, even better, your parents will see your car parked in the Happy China parking lot (personal hometown example), and you can bet your mom will be calling your phone any second. Don't worry though, if your own parents don't see your car parked somewhere suspicious and at an ungodly hour, another parent will and tell them.

3. Having a "couple" of drinks

It's really hard to cut loose at the one place in town that serves alcohol. Chances are you're going to see your boss, preacher, people you graduated high school with, long lost cousin, and worst enemy at this place, and the second you have that 3rd feeling good drink my friend you can almost bet they're going to walk over to your table to catch up. Don't worry we've all had a little too much to drink at this place. So if you do happen to show your ass here, someone else will top you next weekend. It's a guarantee.

4. Hiding your bad habits

In a small southern town we've been raised to save a little face, but really you can only hide your bad habits for so long. Whether it's hiding your crazy and being confrontational, or if it's wanting that Camel Crush Cigarette so bad you can't stand it, but you're still in town limits so you can't light it up until you hit back roads. I mean no one could ever see you do such a thing, right? Just keep telling yourself you're only two miles away and then you can smoke the whole pack if you want to.

5. Having to get along

This one really sucks. Chances are if you live in a small town there are just some people you have to be nice too. Even if you really just want to tell them where to go and how to get there. However, since you have the blessing of small town life, you probably have to see them at church or even better their kid is on your kids Little League Team. It's always best to just play nice. I know this one made you grit your teeth a little bit, but just smile and nod and roll your eyes later.

6. Dating

Here's the funny thing about dating in a small town. If you're reading this a think this doesn't apply to me because, "We're from the same County, but not town" it still applies to you. None of us actually want to date anyone from our small town, but we don't want to find anyone outside our town either it seems like. It is pretty annoying to see every ex your significant other has had since 2nd Grade at every high school football game, but hey what are we gonna do?

7. Breakups

Wow, this one may actually be the worst. Breaking up in a small town is pretty terrible. Sam Hunt probably explains this better than anyone. You can't avoid the topic, and it seems like everywhere you go someone is talking about it. Maybe even worse than all that, your friends are trying to pay matchmakers will the FEW eligible bachelors or bachorlettes in town. My best advice to this one is to just focus on yourself and look ahead.

8. Gossip

Whew, small towns love it, but we really do have the best. I could even bet that we would top any reality TV show out there, but the scandals that happen here might actually be to unbelievable to those living elsewhere. Don't worry everyone has their 15 minutes of shame...I mean fame. Just like the song, "Everybody Dies Famous in a Small Town." If you find that it's your turn to be the talk about the town, just steer clear of the central gossip locations grocery stores, beauty shop, etc.. It will be on to the next person before you know it.

9. Rivals

If you think you're going to grow up and out of your high school rivalry with the neighboring small town, THINK AGAIN!! Nope, if anything your hatred just grows stronger. You still cringe when you start to drive into the neighboring town and see their school team name and mascot plastered everywhere. Just happily mumble to yourself how you beat them your Senior Year of high school, and that's all that really matters anyways.

10. You can't leave it, or you'll miss it

Well you were born and raised here, and you've read and probably agreed with how bad all these things suck. However, despite all of it you never want to leave. There's something about knowing a community will be there for you know matter what, and knowing you always have a home here no matter how far you go. We all say we're going to leave, but here we are. Lets face it though ya'll, we really wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

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