10 Ways To Start Loving Yourself Without Social Media
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10 Ways To Start Loving Yourself Without Social Media

You can be liberated without revealing your body to the world.

10 Ways To Start Loving Yourself Without Social Media

You can be liberated as a woman without revealing your naked body to the world. Self-love and liberation both start from within. I think it is contradictory that women are trying to be liberated from labels such as "slut" and "whore" because of their preference in dressing, but are broadcasting their bodies on the Internet.

I somewhat understand what Kim Kardashian is trying to do, but it seems like a lot of the young women following in her footsteps are missing the bigger picture. Kim K is a business and brand, and young women need to understand that they cannot copy what she does. Women should be able to wear what they want without seeming more sexual than a woman who is dressed more conservatively.

Young women now are broadcasting themselves on social media, unconsciously still seeking the approval of the world and confining themselves in shackles. They are calling it self-love. If the comments on these pictures weren't so supportive, would women still feel liberated? Are the people commenting supporting your self-love or your naked body? Is the sensation of liberation really coming from the acceptance and approval of others? I don't think self-love or liberation is about that; it starts from within. Nothing is wrong with loving your body or becoming comfortable in your skin. There are ways to love yourself and declare yourself love without broadcasting it on social media.

1. Tell yourself you are beautiful.

Inside and out, you are beautiful. You don't need validation from anyone except yourself. When you look in the mirror, you should smile and be infatuated with the woman you are looking at. Your inner beauty should glimmer through your shirt. You are beautiful, exactly how you are.

2. Be kind to your body.

Your body is your temple. You must cherish it. Don't let any toxins in. That ranges from laying down with different men to eating unhealthily, from not drinking enough water to not wearing lotion. Your body is a sacred place. Moisturize it and rub it. Hug yourself and love your body. Don't expose your body to the world; no one can cherish your body more than you.

3. Stimulate your mind.

Challenge your mind to explore new things. Pick up a book of a different genre or listen to a different type of music. Don't limit yourself to one way of thinking or be afraid to think outside the box. The more knowledge you obtain, the more confident you will become in yourself. Make a habit of checking the news application on your phone and click on a channel that is out of your normal interest. Your mind will free itself from self-doubt.

4. Respect yourself.

You know what causes you to feel down. Stop going to Twitter to vent. Stop posting on Instagram every time you and your boyfriend have an issue. The world does not need to know your business! Respect yourself and your privacy. Your life is private, and social media is public. The world can only see what you broadcast. Don't put yourself on blast.

5. Keep your clothes on.

A lot of woman have gotten carried away with posting themselves naked on social media. There is no liberation in posting a nude picture for the world to see. Women face so many injustices regarding their appearance—in the workplace, in school and on the streets. Self-love, loving your body and who you are—that starts from within. That's a private intimacy you share with yourself. Kim Kardashian, for example, posts nude photos while pregnant, when she has nothing to wear, and really just for fun. Young women need to realize the reality of it all—most of her post are for the purpose of keeping attention on her. She is known for flaunting her body. What would you like to be known for?

6. Coping mechanisms.

Be prepared for the next time you are down and out. Don't break down. If you are going to cry, make it a healthy cry. You have to face and deal with your inner issues. Journal, make music, dance, paint, go for a walk, walk your dog or even go read a book. Have something constructive that you can channel your emotions into. Figure out why you feel oppressed, uncomfortable with your body, dislike your skin or have self-doubt. Then figure out how to deal with it. Never pick at your problems without the intentions of providing solutions. Look to people who are wise for advice, not your TL.

7. Post positive quotes and affirmations.

Personally, when I was going through a difficult time, I would look up different quotes to describe how I was feeling that morning. Sometimes I would post them on social media, sometimes I would just save them. Reassurance is a great thing, especially when you can provide it for yourself. "Never give up" quotes helped me persevere through my difficult times. You don't need people cheering you on; you need that confidence in yourself to know that you will be better and greater all by yourself. People have begun to use social media as a crutch. Before, problems were not broadcast for the world to see; they were handled.

8. Don't become reliant on people; be whole by yourself and master self-love.

You must feel complete on your own. Try to fight off the urge to run and tell a friend everything that is going on with you. Try to handle the situation on your own. If a picture you post is only pretty if you get a certain amount of likes, that's an issue. A lot of girls' sense of confidence fluctuates according to their likes.

9. Grow to love your flaws, accept your past and enjoy life.

If you never heal from what has hurt you, how will you grow? You have to become comfortable with your insecurities. Broadcasting them to the world gives other people the opportunity to break you down. Be so in tuned with yourself that no matter what anyone says or does, you will not be affected.

10. Find your purpose in the world.

Know your worth. Set expectations and standards for yourself. Live with a purpose. Wake up every day with a goal in mind. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day social media lifestyle. Discipline yourself to put your phone down. Gain that self-love on your own and keep it. Live with meaning.

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