10 Ways College Girls Procrastinate
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10 Ways College Girls Procrastinate

Let the Netflix binge watching begin...

10 Ways College Girls Procrastinate

Everyone thinks that once they get to college, they will have so much free time for themselves. This is true if you have the ability to time manage between your pile of schoolwork and your personal life. For many college students, this balance is hard to get. From my perspective as a current college gal, the struggle is real when it comes to procrastinating. For some reason, I have always worked better and more efficiently under the pressure of making a deadline. Here are some key vices when it comes to procrastinating that every college girl can relate to.

1. TV Shows

It’s Sunday night and Netflix asks you “Are you still watching?” You have been cooped up in bed for literally three hours and are almost two seasons deep into "Grey’s Anatomy" with dreams of being a professional surgeon one day. There’s no shot of getting work done tonight because you must know if Meredith and McDreamy will end up together. TV binge watching is the most dangerous procrastination technique because once you are hooked, there's no turning back. Next episode.

2. Eating

OK, we all know this is the most regretful way to procrastinate. You take a break from your homework for a “study snack” planning to munch on an apple or granola bar. You end up eating an entire bag of “Skinny Pop” popcorn, a few handfuls of Goldfish, and half a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food to top it off. Stress eating is an underlying epidemic among college students because homework is boring and when we're bored, we eat.

3. Drinking

You have three exams, two papers, and endless readings to do this week. After mental breakdown #3, it’s time to give up and break out that bottle of Yellowtail Chardonnay with a few girlfriends. Ladies, there’s a reason Wine Wednesday just so happens to be in the middle of the school week.

4. "Working out"

Everyone knows one basic betch that goes to the gym for 40 minutes just to watch an episode of "Gossip Girl" on the elliptical. There are also the other betches with gym memberships who religiously go to spinning or Zumba classes everyday to pass the time. Even if you just go to the gym to lie on the floor and do "ab workouts", that's better than doing homework. This is the kind of procrastination that makes you feel like you're being productive when really you are just ignoring your twelve-page English paper due the next day.

5. Shower time

After that strenuous workout, of course you must shower off. This shower will inevitably take another forty minutes of your day because you decide to carefully shave every inch of your legs. Then while shampooing, you have your own private concert singing Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself" at the top of your lungs. (This leads to endless fantasies of dating JB one day.)

6. Facebook stalk yourself

You know you are guilty of this. It is never intentional…you were just trying to find a cute cover picture, right? Before you know it, you are scrolling through your middle school awkward stage full of braces selfies, Limited Too outfits, duck lips, and peace signs. Times were tough.

7. Facebook stalk your ex

It only gets worse when your ex-bae pops up on your news feed and it becomes an emotional rollercoaster of nostalgia. You create a montage in your head of all the happy times you had together. Yes, he is hot, but there's a reason you are not together anymore. Ugh, he's still so hot. (Refer to #3 on this list for emotional support.)

8. Facebook stalk your ex's new GF

This is inevitable when stalking your ex. You notice that his current prof pic is with a hot new girl and him at some fraternity formal. So, this must be your replacement. You have mixed emotions of jealousy and sadness for ten seconds as you look at picture after picture of his new relationship... then you remember what a jerk he was and feel bad for the poor girl. It's time to delete him on all social media and move on.

9. Online shopping

When TOBI and Forever 21 keep emailing you with discounts, how can you resist? You definitely need a new pair of bootie heels, some winter sweaters, a few beanies... and a new swimsuit? It's snowing out but, whatever, it's 50 percent off! While contemplating whether or not to "complete order" while online shopping, you read the homework assignments in your planner and are slightly overwhelmed. Buy the swimsuit, you deserve it.

10. Instagram

What filter do you choose... Valencia or Lo-Fi? What should the caption be... and do you add emojis? Do you put a geo-tag... WTF Insta, why can't I create my own geo-tag anymore?! Then you must send the pic to your best friend so she can make sure it's perfect. Once you upload it, you are constantly checking your likes per minute. Trust me, this will take up plenty of time.

And when you've done everything on this list, make others procrastinate with you. The more, the merrier.

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