As a camper and counselor for (almost) 11 years now, I knew that my camp prepared me for real life in more ways than one. What I didn't know is that camp and sorority life are extremely similar, and I entered my sorority almost an expert because of the things I learned from camp.
1. You threw what you knew at camp, and now you throw what you know in your SRAT.
2. The nightly campfire is just like the weekly chapter .
3. You think being friends with older people is the coolest thing.
4. Dance nights prepared you for swaps/mixers/socials.
5. You have your favorite meals at camp and at the sorority house.
6. You learn the value of traditions.
7. The amount of shirts you have/wear that are too big is ridiculous.
8. You have a vast amount of costumes for any and every occasion.
9. You take competitions/performances very seriously.
10. No matter where you go in life, in good times and bad, you have made friends for life who will be there for you always.
Clearly camp was a precursor to my life in a sorority. I spend pretty much all of my time with these people I call my sisters, which is exactly how camp was for me. Camp was and still is my happy place, and now college is a new happy place for me. Those who go to camp or who are in a sorority are the only ones who understand why both are so special.