10 Times Miranda Priestly Was A Badass | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Miranda Priestly Was A Badass

Celebrating 10 years of the Devil Wears Prada

10 Times Miranda Priestly Was A Badass

Ten years ago, one of the greatest Meryl Streep masterpieces graced our presence: The Devil Wears Prada. A story that details the ups and downs of a journalist-turned-assistant-turned-fashionista. The film, released June 30, 2006, is what many regard as a thinly veiled retelling of the trials and tribulations of a former assistant to one of fashion's most easily recognized and fearsome names: Anna Wintour. So, to celebrate this fantastic film's birthday here are 10 of Miranda Priestly's best moments.

10. That's All

Showing from the beginning that Miranda is large and in charge. This line, uttered nine times through the film, has become one of the most recognizable of Miranda's phrases.

9. The Elevator

No one is allowed to take the elevator with Miranda. She's fierce and powerful and a force to be reckoned with. Don't test her.

8. When She Broke Down

Reminding us that she does have some humanity in her. Her divorce was devastating, but mostly just for her concern for her daughters.

7. Reminding Emily of Her Place

6. When Miranda Was Good With Weather

This woman called a hurricane a drizzle. Probably because to a force of nature like herself, it was just a drizzle.

5. This Beautiful Read

What can we say? Miranda called like she saw it, and Andy quickly got her fashion game together.

4. This Withering Stare...

Speaks for itself.

3. Florals

It's been done. Over and over. It's bored to death and she called it what it was.

2. Everybody Wants To Be Us

Miranda wasn't self centered or selfish. She proves that with this line. Us. As in the fashion elite. Her mission was all about deference to the art form of fashion and the beauty it brings to the world.

1. The Cerulean Lecture

This speech is iconic and a reminder to people everywhere that fashion isn't as frivolous and unimportant as people think. Everyone is affected by it.

Love her or hate her, Miranda Priestly is someone who is fiercely independent and powerful. She is a force to be reckoned with and aspire to. That's all.

Honorable Mention:

(You're welcome, Shelby)

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