Music is the one thing that continues to change. There is at least one new song out on the radio every single week. But while we all love new songs and cannot contain our excitement when our favorite artists put out a new album, nothing beats some good throwback songs. I honestly remember song lyrics from when I was in middle school better than something I learned in my history class last week. If you enjoyed the music in the 2000s, here's ten songs you will never forget the lyrics to.
1. "Drop It Like It's Hot"
I would like to personally thank Snoop Dogg for this song. I can't tell you how many times I listened to this in middle school and thought I was so cool for knowing all the words.
2. "Umbrella"
Don't get me wrong, I love Rihanna's new music. But, this song is a CLASSIC. All of my sleepovers included my besties and I singing "Umbrella" at the top of our lungs.
3. "Ignition"
My college experience would not be the same without this song. "Ignition" is the type of song that can start friendships.
4. "Fall For You"
This song was the one I listened to every time my heart was "broken" in middle school. I'd play "Fall For You" on my iPod Nano and pretend I was in a music video when riding in the car.
5. "Low"
All I wanted was a pair of Apple Bottom Jeans after I heard this song.
6. "Buy U A Drank"
What a classic. That's all I have to say.
7. "Beautiful Girls"
I recorded "Beautiful Girls" on my flip-phone so I could use it as my ringtone.
8. "Yeah!"
I don't care how old you were in 2004 when this song came out; it's impossible not to know the lyrics. You better hold me back off the dance floor when this song comes on.
9. "Hips Don't Lie"
Till this very day, I still can't move my hips like Shakira, but I'll never stop trying to when I hear this song.
10. "Crank That (Soulja Boy)"
This was the song everyone got hype to at middle school dances. I'll never forget how to do the dance.
There are so many more throwbacks that I could have mentioned, but these ten will do for now. I think I need to make a mixtape to have in my car of the best songs from the 2000s. Hopefully the generations to come will hear these songs and know that they are classics.