When you hear the word party you probably think about loud music, a huge crowd of people, maybe some alcohol, and fun. Parties can be lots of fun but it is not all about music and booze. There are things you can do besides drink and dance. I put together a list, have you tried them before?
1. Network
Parties are a great opportunity to network with people or even just catch up with old friends you haven’t seen in a while. The great thing about events like that is getting everyone in the same area so people can meet up and have fun.
2. Make new friends
There will probably always be someone you do not know at the same party as you. I personally love meeting and talking to new people. It is the best because then when you see them somewhere else you can wave to them or go up to them without seeming like a weird stranger that is trying to talk to them.
3. Find someone with the same major
By talking to and meeting new people you could find someone with similar interests as you. Just think if you find someone with the same major as you and realize you guys can help each other outside of this setting. That is always great and if you are like me and are horrible at studying alone you just found a new study buddy.
4. Safely step out of your comfort zone
Do you always find yourself sitting in the same spot at a party or just hanging around the same people? You should try something new! Maybe go to a different area of the party or learn a new dance. This could be so fun and by doing this you get to learn something new or see something you have never seen. I do emphasize “safely” though, don’t get too crazy.
5. Eat the food
Now some parties may not have much but I know you have heard people tell you not to drink on an empty stomach. College is not always about school and partying, you learn new things about yourself so do not be afraid to try foods from different cultures but make sure to ask what is in the food before you dive in, we don’t want you to have any allergy issues.
6. Play games
There are so many party games to play it is seriously ridiculous. I know you haven’t played every single one so try a new game or if there is one that you know you are good at suggest it and maybe other people would be down to play too.
7. Ask your crush out
Get bold! Do something you thought you would never do! Trying this would be exciting and since you are at a party it would not be as awkward. You never know what could happen; twenty seconds of courage at a college party could be the difference between owning 27 cats or having a husband and a family.
8. Pay closer attention to music
Music is a huge part of culture. Be open to new music because not only can it expand your perspective on life but it could also lead you to finding new friends because of similar music tastes.
9. People Watch
I love doing this! It could be so funny to watch what other people are doing especially at a party. There is always so much going on, you could find someone out on the dance floor or someone being competitive during a game.
10. Study
While we established that parties could consist of loud music and drinks, there can also be different types such as a study party. This may not be the first thing you would associate with a party but I do this all the time. My friends and I would meet up either at someone’s house or in the school library and study together.