10 Things Every College Student Should Bring When They Move In
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10 Things Every College Student Should Bring When They Move In

College can be scary, but let me show you some tips to help!

10 Things Every College Student Should Bring When They Move In
Destiny Gregory

I stayed up all night watching YouTube videos of college needs, I wanted to more prepared than ever. Now that I have been here for a few weeks, I have put together a list of things that I learned I needed, that not a lot of people told me.

1. Shower Shoes

A picture of shower shoeshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

When we got to our bathroom, we scrubbed down our tub. It surprised me how much it needed cleaning and just how gross it was. I realized that I did NOT want my feet touching the floor of the tub if there were still some bacteria there. So, what I did was I went to Walmart and got cheap slides. They were comfortable and easy to wear in the shower. Wearing flip flops or slides in the shower can help protect you from foot diseases. They are honestly AMAZING, and you don't even notice that they are there.

2. Dehumidifier

Picture of a Dehumidifierhttps://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi5.walmartimages.com%2Fasr%2F3e834642-5141-4c99-b13c-7663fc2d0371_1.e88c20b69fc95b59ecd87f198f1b11b1.jpeg%3FodnWidth%3D612%26odnHeight%3D612%26odnBg%3Dffffff&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fip%2FPerfect-Aire-Energy-Star-Rated-50-Pint-D

I am pretty much certain that any college needs video you watch will tell you that you will need a Dehumidifier. However, what most do not tell you is that a small desk one will NOT do you justice. I really do suggest that you invest in one, a little over $100 (I know it is a lot of money but trust me!). My roommate thankfully bought one that is big. The first time we turned it on, the temperature that it started on was 75. This morning when I checked it, it was 35. The rooms will be very humid and uncomfortable. Investing in one will change your dorm life!

3. Fans

Picture of a Fan

Even with a Dehumidifier, it will still get hot in your dorms. I have one that sits on top of my dresser that faces me when I sleep and cools me down as I sleep. What I also like to do is after I get back to my dorm after walking in the heat, I put my fan on my desk, because it gets desperately hot in Oklahoma! When I leave my dorm, I normally leave it running, so that I come home to a cool dorm that is comfortable! Even a small fan will do you justice!

4. Shorts

Picture of shortshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

Once again, it gets hot in the summer here in Oklahoma. For some reason, I had only packed two pairs of jeans shorts, and tons of regular jeans. I would not recommend doing that, but I would like to tell you to pack all your shorts. I love wearing my jean shorts because they are very comfy and cute to wear! When Thanksgiving break and fall break hits, take this time to swap out your clothes! Leave your shorts and home and take your jeans with you!

5. Space Saving Hangers

Picture of a closet rod with space saving hangers in their two modes.https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

I saw these advertised on Instagram and decided to buy them and try them out. This was honestly one of the best things I have ever bought! With these in my closets, it saves so much more room for clothes. I did not bring a lot of my clothes because I was worried about everything fitting. But with these hangers I can store so many more of my clothes, and still have space in my closet for anything else. These are a MUST!

6. Laptop/Tablet

Picture of a laptophttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FMicrosoft-Surface-Laptop-Touch-Screen-Alcantara%2Fdp%2FB07YNK3R68&psig=AOvVaw1r6kDmtKJjSK8NVLFoDuIt&ust=1598725162432000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJDQxL7BvusCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI

In college, especially now due to the pandemic, most of your assignments will be online. Even if you are unable to get a laptop, I would recommend finding somewhere you can get easy access to a computer. One of my professors has told me that it is needed every day in class. Thankfully, my dad bought me a laptop for my birthday, and I will not lie to you I have used it every single day! I would without a doubt suggest that you need a laptop or something with good Internet access.

7. Dorm Snacks

Picture of several snack foods.https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

Sometimes at night I get hungry, but most of the dining halls would be closed. So, my roommate and I went grocery shopping and stocked up on a lot of foods that would be filling and yummy! I recommend tons of granola, cheese its, fruit snacks, cereal, oatmeal, and chips. Many of these are easy to make or quick to eat. (We have drawers that are designated food drawers and are easy to access).

8. Wrist Lanyard

Picture of a wrist lanyard.https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

I remember watching a YouTube video that said, do not mark yourself as a freshman by wearing a lanyard with your keys and ID around your neck. For some reason, I took this very seriously, and I found something called a wrist lanyard. It is still a lanyard, but it goes around the wrist like a bracelet. Probably one of my favorite little things! It carries my air pods, my ID, keys, and some of my favorite charms. You can find these for about $6 at Walmart, or even get them customized on Amazon!

9. Several Masks

Pictures of several different designs of masks.&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2020%2F04%2F22%2Ffashion%2Fcoronavirus-fashi

I love to ensure that I am safe, so from me to you, I say wear your mask! Now I also love matching, and so I have a few different masks that I can use to match with the outfits I wear. I also keep several ones in case of an emergency. A tip I have for everyone put a mask in your purse and backpack. Maybe you got a stain on your mask, or you broke the elastics on it and cannot wear it. Always have a backup!

10. Jackets/Hoodies

Picture of a pink hoodie.https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F...

My last tip is to bring your hoodies now! (Not all of them of course). Sometimes in my classes, it is cold while it is hot outside. I also sometimes wear them out when I am tired, and I go to get food later in the evening when it is cold. Even when I am in my dorm, I will throw one on, and I am cozy. You never know when you will feel like you are freezing, and I love to have my favorite hoodies with me!

With that, you have made it to the end of my list! I hope that you find some use in these tips, and if you have some cool tips as well, I would love for you to share them with me! To all of the viewers of this article, I wish you a blessed semester and school year!

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