10 Steps To Start Feeling Like A Stronger, More Beautiful Woman
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10 Steps To Start Feeling Like A Stronger, More Beautiful Woman

A few essential things to remember when life gets rough.

10 Steps To Start Feeling Like A Stronger, More Beautiful Woman
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Let’s be honest. In society today, most people can’t go a day without tweeting, texting, sharing, or liking. Due to that there is more exposure of woman, and what they are “supposed to look like.” Kids are starting to get ahold of social media at a younger age and now are being impacted faster and more than ever. It’s inevitable to look at models or pop singers in the magazines and not think “I want to look like her” or “I wish I looked like her.” Girls tend to think they aren’t pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, or funny enough. Hey, guess what? YOU ARE. So if you are currently down on the self esteem scale and need a boost, check out these 10 steps to start feeling like a stronger more beautiful woman. You might not believe it but I guarantee you, you are more more capable and beautiful than you think.

Step #1 - Know Your Worth

Has anyone ever tried to make you feel like you are not important? That just because you disagreed with them or are different from them that you are some how less? Well I’m telling you right now to throw all of those negative opinions and memories out the door. Never for a second let yourself think you are less than you are. Always remember that you are worth something, and you are here for a reason. The next time someone tries to downgrade you for something, just remember your worth and that no one can take that away from you. Because girl you are fabulous!

Step #2 - Stop Saying Negative Things About Yourself

How many of you woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and picked out parts of yourself that you didn’t like? Well I have a new plan for you. From now on when you look in the mirror try to think of 3 things you love about yourself and try to make at least one of them a physical trait. Because if you wake up every day and point out things you don’t like about yourself what is that going to lead to? Nothing. The more you try to think of yourself in a positive light the better you will feel about yourself.

Step #3 - Forget That Dumb Boy

For some but not all girls, one of the reasons they are more self conscious or see flaws in themselves is because of some boy that said something stupid to them or broke their heart. FORGET THAT DUMB BOY. Whoever that boy is that ever made you feel bad about yourself is disrespectful and doesn’t deserve to have them on your mind. More times then not they said it out of anger or hatred and didn’t actually mean it. So what they said has no relevance or reflection on you. The next time you think of that bad memory, just think screw that boy and be thankful they are no longer in your life! Always remember, you do not need a man in your life to be happy. *insert hair flip emoji

Step #4 - Don’t Care About What Others Think of You

Sometimes it is hard to not be curious about what others think of you, and that is alright. It starts to become a problem the moment you let those thoughts and opinions of others effect you in a negative way. When you let it change your decision making or how you see yourself. No person’s opinion matters more than your own. Plus, those people who are getting you down probably don’t even care that they effected you in that way, so why let them? Always do you and don’t ever let someone else’s darkness dull your sparkle.

Step #5 - Accept What You Can’t Change

Life is going to throw crap at you sometimes, it is unavoidable. Sometimes you are not going to be happy about someone else’s decision, or what is on the school’s lunch menu that day. Sadly, there is nothing you can do about it. Some things are what they are, and no matter how hard you try you can’t change how things turn out. So instead of stressing yourself in the process of trying to change something, try to accept what you can’t change. Just trust that things will turn out the way they are meant to be. Because nine times out of ten things do turn out okay, even when you feel like they won’t.

Step #6 - Don’t Be Scared to Have a Voice

There are moments in life where certain people or situations can be scary or intimidating. Moments where you might get scared to say what you’re really thinking or to even say anything at all. Though the picturing people in the audience naked thing does work at times maybe try to think of something else. Remember that what you have to say does have importance and meaning and isn’t “stupid.” That even though people might not always agree, doesn’t mean you are wrong. Own your opinion and views and never be scared to voice them. Because someone out their might actually be thinking the same thing and are scared to say it themselves.

Step #7 - Stay Sassy & Confident

Ladies, if anything I have said so far hasn’t stuck in your brain please just remember two things. Stay sassy and confident. The quickest way to get confidence is to fake it. No person can ever take down a strong, sassy and confident woman. Nothing is more attractive than a confident independent woman that can think for herself. The day you start thinking for yourself and start throwing out those clever comments, is the day people will learn to respect both you and your opinions.

Step #8 - Crazy Dreams? Chase Them.

When you’re young you have no worries in the world and feel like you can do anything. When you are young, that is when your biggest dreams are made. As you grow up life sets in and you start to get worries, setbacks, and people that tell you, you can’t do things. That is the worst thing about growing up, you start to think you can’t achieve your dreams and goals. No matter what your dreams are right now, no matter how hard or crazy they might seem I dare you to go chase them. Want to become an amazing surgeon like on Grey’s Anatomy? Travel the world with your best friend? Start your own company? Go do it! Don’t ever let someone else or especially yourself tell you you can’t achieve something. If you want it bad enough and are determined enough to get it, there isn’t anything you can’t do.

Step #9 - Prove the Haters and Yourself Wrong

As you go about life you are bound to come across people that don’t like you or are going to try to tear you down. People are going to try to tell you you aren’t good enough, pretty enough, fast enough, smart enough etc. At some point you might even start to believe them. If that ever happens just think, ‘screw those people.’ Go out and prove them wrong, and most importantly prove yourself wrong. Because accomplishing something someone thought you never could feels pretty darn good. Work hard and do your thing and people will see what you’re capable of. Even if they never do it’s not your problem, because as long as you are happy with yourself that is all that matters.

Step #10- Learn to Love Yourself

Last, but most importantly learn to love yourself. Because if you don’t who else will? Learning to love and accept all of your qualities and flaws is probably the hardest thing a person can do. It’s not easy, but it is worth it. The moment you stop worrying about others and start worrying about yourself is the day you will truly start living. It’s the day will you will start to do things for yourself and do them because you want to. Not because someone else wants you to do it. The moment you realize how beautiful you are, and that you were created for a purpose, is the moment when you can start being you, and live the life you were meant to live. Once you learn to truly love yourself, you can start to truly love others and the life around you. And what’s better than that?

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