First and foremost, you may be asking yourself, "What the heck is a Mom Friend?" Well that is an excellent question. A Mom friend is the most responsible and overprotective person in your friend group. If you are struggling to figure out who that would be amongst all your friends, then chances are it's you. Here are 10 signs to help you figure out whether you are the Mom Friend.
1. You are the Designated Driver
I'm not just talking about driving to the bar on a night out (although you probably do that as well). Carpool is second nature at this point, whether you're driving two hours away or across the street to the dining hall when you're all too lazy to walk you are the one in the driver's seat.
2. You nurse your friends back to health
You are well acquainted with holding a friends hair back after a night out, running to the pharmacy for cold medicine, and probably have a delicious chicken noodle soup recipe at the ready. You hate the thought of your friends feeling sick and you'll do whatever you can to help them get better.
3. You are always offering advice and reality checks when needed
Your friends come running to you when they are going through a rough time. They know you'll never judge them, but you'll tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear. You really should start getting paid for all of the free therapy sessions you're giving out.
4. You're usually the most sober during a night out
Someone has to be. One friend is dancing on top of the bar, the other is crying in the gross bathroom, and you can't forget about the one throwing back tequila shots with her ex. You like to keep an eye out for all your girls. That way you can have a clear mind when you need to corral them all into the Uber and tuck them into bed with water and a sleeve of saltine crackers.
5. You're purse is a bottomless pit
Perfume? Snacks? Hairbrush? Gum? Hair ties? First Aid Kit? You name it, you have it. You're always prepared for whatever life throws at you. No one's ever hangry on your watch.
6. You're the shoulder to cry on
Whether it's a bad breakup or finals week stress, you're always ready to listen, offer words of comfort, and with armloads of tissues.
7. "Please, make good choices" is your catchphrase
You're not trying to sound like Jamie Lee Curtis from Freaky Friday, but hey if the shoe fits.
8. You are the planner of the group
Planning the itinerary for beach trips and keeping everyone on schedule for what time to leave for dinner is a common occurrence. Without you, nothing would ever get done.
9. You are a momma bear
While you may not be the most outgoing person in the room, everything changes when it comes to protecting your friends. How dare anyone try to hurt one of your beautiful babies!
10. You are probably always anxious af
Let's be honest, stress is a daily occurrence. You typically like to be prepared and always consider what the worst case scenario is for every occasion. But don't worry, your friends love you anyway! You guys balance each other out, and they help bring out the more relaxed side of you.
So what do you think, are you the Mom Friend of your friend group? If so, welcome to the club! We meet biweekly, and yes, please feel free to bring a baked good.