Roommates. They make you crazy. Bring you joy. Eat Ramen on the floor with you at midnight. It's pretty much the best deal ever, but sometimes you just want to rip their head off. No one can relate more than the OG roommates Drake and Josh Parker.
1. When they're talking on the phone and you hear your name.

2. When they ask you if you know where all their snacks have gone.
3. When they apologize for coming home from partying around 3 am on a Tuesday.

4. How both of you feel after spending a whole weekend in your dorm together...

5. ...but then coming back from break feels like coming home.

6. When they bring over that one friend you hate.
7. When you're up to no good and your RA starts walking down the hall.

8. Immediately after they leave.

9. When they bring a boy/girl over and you give them some "space".

10. Trying to comprehend how on earth you're going to last together.

11. But in the end, you're grateful to have each other.

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