10 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use Boutique Modeling
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10 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use Boutique Modeling

Get Recognized, Be Unique

10 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use Boutique Modeling
Divine Live

What is Boutique Modeling you ask?

The phrase has been deemed by a company called Divine Live. Ran out of Frederick MD with an office in DC - luckily it is a shared work environment with some of the top companies involved which makes it easy to make an appointment at the trendiest up to date work environment. It also means they have the luxury of traveling and meeting in most large states including PA, NY, DC, CO, FL, and so on. So, if this article is not enough to want to score some coffee and hang at a new spot other then your every day office - I question your stubbornness & will to accept what is happening around you in the world.


10 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use Boutique Modeling.

1. Recognition

Small businesses need their products recognized - if we can't see your products online then there is no reason for us to go in your store. Not only is it lazy to have a bad internet presence this day in age, but it makes no sense. Do not be stubborn about this. It is critical for small businesses to have a Facebook, and Instagram. Using these models can seriously help boost sales online and in store. It is time small business owners understand the need to maintain their presence online - otherwise millennials are going to take over the boutique industry online. WE WANT SMALL BUSINESSES IN STORES!!!! So - please do not lose yourself in the crowd! We want to come into your store but have NO IDEA what your stuff looks like! Potential customers are definitely going to buy online over going in store if they can not visualize what you offer.

2. You Invest In Youth & Change

Boutique Models can vary in age, but if you are a trendy store and trying to get your name out there other then locals you will need some youth to provide you with the newest ideas of reaching a different audience to keep you afloat. Millennials want to see your products on real women who are young and ambitious, they want to see what they are walking into. They want change. Using Boutique models could essentially promote the change you have been wanting to make for your business but haven't known where to look. It is promoting a new way of modeling & a unique twist on small businesses! People are sick of the high end - unattainable beauty and fashion standards. We want real women, we want to see good clothes we can wear often, we want to see someone who we can relate to. Someone we can go and hang out with. High end has already been established and now it is time for a change. Let small businesses thrive through models now. It is your turn for beautiful change.

3. Affordable

Most businesses get scared away because of agency prices. Modeling is super broad and that is why Boutique Modeling fits for small business. It is affordable and you can create a relationship with the models to provide new pictures and work together continuously as you re stock your store. You are not paying for anything except passion, and growth withing your company. Just like you - Boutique Models love small business and want to develop a long lasting relationship and create with you. Not some once and done take a picture and peace out! Product pictures go for $1,000.00 and Modeling goes for $1,500. To receive a special discount email deanna@divinelive.biz with a subject "Odyssey"

Divine Live Model: Sasha modeling Adam Alexis Handbags

4. You Are Helping A Good Cause

Many small business owners might not see the modeling industry spiraling out of control but it is and it is not pretty. Freelance models have been corrupted by perverted photographers and getting paid to do weird things they do not want to do - just so they have a chance at modeling. Seriously, women would do anything to model and feel that thrill. Some women are raised into agencies and slowly get pushed aside as they develop and struggle with their image. If modeling is all you know then you find ways to make it happen. Sometimes you get sucked into some things that make you very unhappy just to try and push for a dream. You would be paying a model to do something that she loves and she wants to stand by your company and help you. She wants to be doing this. By you investing into yourself you are also investing into another woman's future to make a living doing what she loves and getting out of the freelance world & in the life she has always wanted. YEAH, Boutique Models have a dream to promote and model your beautiful clothes. They want to get their hair and makeup done and shout your name to their followers. They have a purpose, and know that you do to.

5. Excellent Networking Tool

Not only are these women good at networking but they fiend for it. They want to promote your company to everyone and make you look good. They want to post online and show their lady friends who they are repping and how the heck they can get their hands on that beautiful cashmere sweater. "OMG JUST TOUCH IT, JUST TOUCH THE SWEATER!" Seriously though - it is crazy how much these women want to work with you.

6. Establish Trust

Trust is essential for people to buy from you. If they can not see what you are trying to say, or really understand your message other then your freaking about me page that no one reads because it is long and there is nothing besides you bragging about yourself. YOU NEED PEOPLE TO SEE YOUR VISION.

Notice how in this picture you do not see a bottle of alcohol, but you can tell that is what it is? So simple. The name makes everyone feel like the alcohol is death, but it is so amazing. It is family owned and operated. Great business.

7. Draws In New Customers

Each time you add a new dimension to your business and upgrade a bit, you have a shot to reach a whole new audience that you would not have before. Think about it - why would anyone want to go to a store that is not always trying their hardest and investing into their customers. Part of owning a business is making sure your potential customers are being taken care of before they even enter your store. There is something so ensuring about a company who knows who they are and can properly present it to people.

8. It Is FUN!

Not only do you get to plan and create an entire look for your business, but you get to do it with a group of people who enjoy what they are doing just as much as you. Being creative and changing it up is a huge factor of business and mindset. Styling models, figuring out the each look you want, and watching the results through the process gives you an entirely new way of looking at your store, yourself, and work.

9. You See Results Fast

In a fast paced world and constant change in business competition and trends - people start to notice when you try harder and make an effort. Small businesses are awesome in every way. People know this and are itching for a chance to get into your stores. Once you change it up a bit and produce quality images that captivate an audience they will jump on the chance to buy your unique products or clothing. Once they see an image to connect your business to, it'll produce fast, quality, and continuous results.

10. Referrals

Referrals, referrals, referrals. The love of all business owners. Once you get moving with models, they not only will refer you to other people - but other businesses are going to start noticing and you might be featured in some really cool podcasts, magazine, and online blogs like this one! It is a super savvy day in age and believe it or not, people want to hear your story. They want to know your store, and buy from you. There are so many unique ways to get referrals - not just phone calls. Do not underestimate the power of different, and most certainly do not underestimate the power of models.

You can check Divine Live out by visiting www.divinelive.life

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