All of you Pinterest addicts will understand this. There is a daily routine of pinning, scrolling, searching and liking. Pinterest is like every girls savior for literally anything. If I need a quick up-do, a quick birthday present idea or need an idea for dinner, Pinterest is always there to save the day. Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp and Ben Silbermann, we the lovers and addicts of Pinterest thank you for making many things possible.
1. The clothes and shoes
Not much to say here except every girl wishes their board of clothes magically appeared in their closet or they could zap the clothes onto themselves like Sabrina the teenage witch would. Same as shoes, give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world right?
2. The clothes/shoes you get to see from looking at the original pin of an outfit
If you like floral printed things you'll get so much more from that original pin you look at or if you like a certain type of romper, you'll get an abundance of adorable things you'll want. Oh, and you can't forget if you're looking up a certain style and you get so many more ideas for outfits from the related pins... It's all love!
3. Home decor ideas
Who doesn't want to decorate your house or apartment? Pinterest gives you ideas that no one ever thinks about and by the time you're done searching around and making plans to do each thing, about an hour has gone by and you're so confused because you thought it was only like five minutes.
4. Crafting ideas
Need a quick present or a idea for a side of a cooler you're painting? Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. A craft board is probably the most filled up pin I think I have and I have so many ideas for canvases to paint for the future or even just something to do when I am bored out of my mind.
5. FOOD!
Whenever you're thinking about what to cook for you and your boyfriend or you and a friend one night, Pinterest gives you the best and healthy/non-healthy choices. It also gives you ideas to use a bunch of things you forgot you had in your fridge or in the pantry.
6. Hairstyles
Whenever I have an event to go to or I know something is going to happen on a Thursday night, I know I can always search for a quick hairstyle to do in five minutes or plan to give myself enough time for trial and error for a style. A date night, wedding, power hour, dinner with the family, or even an interview, Pinterest will make sure you leave the house looking flawless.
7. Make-up, make-up and more make-up
Pinterest is the reason I discovered how to do the perfect cat eye and gave me the idea to blend two of my naked pallet eyeshadows to create a new look. We as girls get bored very quickly, so whenever we want to look extra hot on night out with friends or just for a new daily casual look, Pinterest just comes in like Superwoman and saves the day yet again.
8. Future (already planned) wedding
Well for me at least, when my boyfriend pops the question, I have most of my wedding already planned. For right now, whenever you're bored or just in a good mood and wedding pins pop up on your timeline, you know you're going to be lost in your screen for at least an hour. So many cute ideas and we want them all at our wedding and hope our bridesmaids do their jobs and fulfill Pinterest expectations.
9. Workout ideas circuits
We all have our fit moments. Some last longer than others but whenever we want to tone up and lose some weight or focus on a certain area, we are provided an abundance of workouts. We could work out for hours with what we're supplied with but you know we only like actually being in the gym for an hour.
10. Alcohol
Especially in college, we girls are always looking for new ways to drink our same old same old bottle we get. Pinterest just gives us those ideas and involves about two or three other bottles as well. If there is more to a drink than just the liquor and mix like juice, she definitely got bored and saw the new recipe on Pinterest and decided to try something new.