Coming home for Christmas means a month of relaxing and answering the same questions over and over and over again to everyone you come into contact with over different family functions and dinners. These are just some of the classics:
1. Are you enjoying college?
Yes, college is great and having my freedom and being on my own is even greater. However, the 8 a.m.s suck and the homework and tests — don’t even get me started. Please.
2. What are you majoring in?
Do you mean today or yesterday or tomorrow? Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me, because, at this point, I’m clueless.
3. Can we hangout when you're home?
I promise I will try. I have about 40 people I have to see and only about 30 days to do it. I promise I still love you, though.
4. Why don't you ever want to spend time with me?
Yeah, because I don’t want to spend time with you. That’s it. Actually, it’s because I rarely get to come home and I have a list out the door of all of the people I have to see. Plus, I actually want to spend a little time with my family. Sorry, not sorry.
5. What home cooked food do you want?
All of it. Mac & Cheese. Lasagna. Fried okra. Grilled chicken. Anything really — just please, no pizza.
6. Why are you so tired and sleep so much? Don't you sleep a lot when you’re at school?
HAHAHA, you are so funny. Do I sleep a lot at school? I think asking if I get any sleep while at school would be a more appropriate question. Late nights doing homework and studying for tests and then 8 a.m. classes do not add up to "a lot of sleep."
7. What do you want to do with your life?
8. How are classes going?
They are going, that’s for sure. They’re actually running off and leaving me behind drowning in my own tears. They’re hard and exhausting and honestly, I’m not sure if I can do it.
9. Do you have any friends?
Actually, yes! My roommates have become my best friends and I don’t think I could have made it this far without them. From our crazy adventures to our late night conversations, I think it’s safe to say that we have developed some lifelong friendships. So yeah, I have like two friends there but it’s better than having like twenty fake ones.