Thanks to celebrities like Kim K and Beyonce, being a curvy girl has definitely become a raging trend. The amount of hype placed on having the perfect curves is everywhere and its spreading faster than the plague.
Being curvy is a blessing...well...a blessing and a curse. Here are ten reasons why the curvy girl life isn't as glamorous as the media makes it seem.
1. Our hips don't lie.
...but they sure have a knack for colliding with every possible thing that gets in their way.
2. Chafing!
The pain is so real. Try walking in a dress for a couple of hours, especially on a hot summer's day. After the first hour, you'll be walking like a penguin. And the scarring is so real.
3. Never being able to find a good pair of jeans.
4. The "accidental lap dance"
5. People who assume you know how to twerk.
Just because that "thing behind me" is large, definitely does not mean I know how to control it. But I have to admit, when "Gasolina" comes on at the club, my booty has a mind of its own.
6. Boxy dresses never flatter us.
Any dress that doesn't accentuate your waist makes you look like a walking box.
7. Leggings that stretch WAY too much around the booty area.
Not everyone has to know that I bought my underwear at PINK.
8. When certain clothing items are deemed to be too "sexy" for you.
But, when someone of a smaller stature wears it, it magically becomes acceptable.
9. All the unnecessary attention.
Try walking for a couple minutes around town without someone screaming "Damn girl you thick!" from their car.
Sometimes we feel the need to hide our bodies just to avoid it.
10. Never being able to share clothes.
In a perfect world, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" is real. We'll just have to wait until that day comes.
Despite all the challenges society throws at us, we curvy ladies rule the world. So embrace what your mama gave 'ya and work those curves!