Being a person is hard. I know I struggle everyday just to do normal people things, like remembering where I put my glasses when I took them off last night (on the nightstand where I always put them) or making sure I don’t lock myself in the public bathroom (which I have done on multiple occasions). However, as someone who tries to stay fairly positive, I try to remember that life could always be worse. Here are a few pictures of people who have definitely had a worse day than you.
1. This guy who just wanted a snack. Fate did not "flavor" him that day (sorry not sorry).
2. I don't even want to know how he got that deep in the ground in a hole that small.
3. This would have been a very awkward conversation to have.
4.That's okay. I didn't need that mirror anyways.
5. Or this bike.
6. Me too, man, me too.
7. If you've ever taken a math or science class that used online practice problems, you've probably had this happen to you.
8. "Yes ma'am, that's correct. The coffin just flew out of our window."
9. As bad as this is,
10. At least you're not this kid.
As "sucky" as all of these are, all things considered, many of us live a pretty OK life. It is important to remember that many people have it way worse than you. People around the world don't have access to clean water, food or education. America has a terrible homelessness issue that has yet to be solved. Many of these people have done nothing to deserve the deal they have been dealt, and a lot of people forget this. You never know what another person is going through. Be grateful. Be kind.