Deleting Snapchat was one of my best collegiate decisions, besides going to school away from home. It's not that Snapchat is the most awful social media platform in the world, but if social media is the devil, then Snapchat would be its henchman.
I found myself endlessly clicking through Snapchat on Friday nights, wishing I were with those people posting pictures and videos. I found myself thinking, "What? Did I miss the memo on the fun, awesome, cool, hip, trendy hangout?" FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing, people, but deleting the black hole known as Snapchat can start to cure this modern, 21st century, self-absorbed ailment.
Here are 10 things you can, and totally should be doing, other than Snapchat... and basically all social media.
1. Read a book, an article, a column in the newspaper...
Instead of endlessly clicking through others' pictures and videos, educate yourself on a topic of interest to you, from modern news to social-media friendly sites like Buzzfeed or HuffingtonPost. You can read up on the latest Donald Trump piece; what's more amusing and mortifying than that?! Or find out which sound you hate the most — because that information is VERY helpful. By reading, you're learning something new instead of envying what others are doing. On the same note, I have to add: those people posting multiple photos and videos? They aren't doing anything other than sitting on their phones filming, rather than living the good times. Maybe they are truly living, but I'm VERY skeptical.
2. Appreciate nature...
instead of filming it. We all know you took a walk through the mystical, magical woods. You've Instagrammed and Snapchatted the hike, and you checked into "The Beautiful Woods" on Facebook. But did you actually stop to look at the trees? Did you smell the fresh greenery? It may be beautiful, and capturing a moment here and there can be nice for future reflection. But if you spend your entire journey behind the camera, I feel like you can't truly be enjoying the nature around you. There's also something tremendously beautiful about having a peaceful moment all to yourself.
3. Dance and play games...
These rules also apply to a party or hangout setting. Yes, you and your friends are Snapchatting your awesome dance moves to R. Kelly's Ignition Remix. But you've also alienated anyone around you who is NOT on their phone, and who may want to get in on the early 2000s dance boogie. Also, you could meet your next great love during one of those Friday or Saturday night mini-parties at your friends' apartments. However, if you're sitting on your phone recording the night instead of living it, you may not pick up on the cute person trying to make conversation during your Kings game.
4. Actually play with your baby cousin...
Instead of filming his/her cuteness. Your cousin is adorable. I love her. I love my cousin as well. She's the bees knees. However, two minutes of Snapchat video is kind of... excessive? This also leads me to wonder, "How many other videos did you take and just not share?" Take your photos of your cousins, siblings, family members, etc. and then, put your phone down. We know you love your family and how proud you are of your recently crawling one-year-old cousin. Now, show your family how much you love them. Snapchat stories will disappear, but memories last a significantly longer time. Take your photos/videos, but spend quality time with your relatives.
5. Call a friend and ask them to hangout. Better yet, show up at their place and say, "Wanna hang?"
I remember being a kid and just walking next door and asking my neighbors to play. What happened to that? It's much more honest, spontaneous and human. Now, we communicate through pictures. We send a picture of ourselves driving and say, "Wanna go to the mall?" Instead, drive to your friends house, knock on the door, and say, "Hey, want to go to the mall?" You may get a better response. Even a phone call is more personal than a Snapchat. Technology has its benefits, but it has definitely weakened our interpersonal skills. Now we have inter-technological skills.
6. Stop taking booty pics and actually squat...
Cool. You made it to the gym. I applaud your effort. I know you're feeling good, but you've just wasted three minutes of quality squat time attempting to get that side booty picture. Also, you've sparked an entire stare contest from everyone else in the gym: who can watch you take pictures of yourself the longest without your noticing?! ME, ME, ME! Seriously, though, from a person who actually goes to the gym to get a quality workout, there is nothing more unnerving than seeing groups of girls (and some guys) Snapchatting their entire workout. That's a great picture... but that's also terrible form. And your photo session in front of the mirror is blocking me and everyone else from grabbing weights. Last, I'm all for those people who make money filming their workouts because most of them really do workout. But you, over there, taking booty pics — stop self-obsessing and increase that heart rate!
7. Show off your awesome Chef skills by making food for your friends and family...
Instead of posting them all over every social media account. We've all been there — sharing Tasty's delicious dishes on Facebook. What's not to love about bacon wrapped, spicy buffalo chicken? Even I've taken a photo of my food and shared it on social media. But unless you're aiming to have a famous foodie Instagram account, or you're a famous chef on the Food Network, your 45-second story of your homemade cheesecake is not what I wanted to look at this morning (maybe 3 seconds of it would be okay, but 45 is just overkill). And not to totally diss your cooking skills, but it's probably just another cheesecake. You feel good, I understand, but there's no need to prove your worth in food making by overloading every social media account with your baked goods.
Either you or some relative of yours is paying over a hundred dollars to be sitting in that class 3 times a week (if you go to a school where a three credit class equals nearly $5,000). I HIGHLY doubt they would be very happy to know that you have spent 15 minutes of the 50-minute class watching other peoples' Snapchat stories. Maybe I'm not normal, but knowing I am the sole person funding my education keeps me slightly more focused. Listen to your professor, darn it! Even if they're not the most lively human being, I guarantee if you put your phone down, you'll get SOMETHING out of the class. Just humor me, and try it. Even leaving your phone on your desk upside down leaves room for checking it at some point in the class. Put your phone in your bag, drink some coffee and try to listen. We only retain approximately 10 minutes of a class anyways. Pay attention in that class. You may learn something fascinating like Christopher Columbus wasn't really a good guy.
9. PLEASE pick your head up and watch where you're walking.
I know you're told being hit by a car on campus will result in your tuition being paid, but unless the person who hits you is the president of your university, I am pretty certain you will just have medical bills... on top of the ridiculous debt you've accrued from your education. Also, your bestie's latest latest Snap WILL be there later (unless it's 24 hours after the initial snap, then it may be lost forever, sadly). I know you love him/her, and what he/she posts is definitely hysterical and totally important, but your safety is also kind of important. Not having your eyes diverted and looking down can come in handy from time to time, like when crossing the street.
10. Be a human, instead of a modern day, functioning robot, and LIVE.
Yes, I said it, and I'm challenging you to do it. Live! That thing where you look around, feel your heart pumping and breathe without all the other complexities. When you're on your phone, you're digressing from the moment that is. It's like looking back at the past and anticipating the future. You're never really in the moment. It's easy to stay inside on a weekend night looking at social media. Sometimes, I think it's even necessary. But don't live your entire life behind a screen, taking the easy way out. Hone in on those interpersonal communication skills and converse! Meet people. Dance. Do whatever it is you love to do, without having to share it on social media. I challenge you to stop sharing on social media and begin sharing moments with your loved ones.
... So what are you actually allowed to Snapchat IF you do decide to keep the addictive story sharing social media?
Babies. Lots of babies. Some food — like cookies, milkshakes and steaks. YUM. Keep taking your funny selfies. Oh, and Channing Tatum dancing to Pony, which if you didn't see, you need to watch NOW. I've done the luxury of embedding it here. Boys, don't act like you're not impressed with his tool dancing skills.