When break rolls around, everyone gets excited to finally go back home to be with their friends and family. You have waited for the time to come during the semester that allows you to just take a break from all the madness of your classes, even if it is just for a couple of days. Yet, some people (such as myself) either choose to stay or don't have the luxury to go back home during the short break. With that being said, here are 10 things that happen when you stay at school during break.
1. You feel like you're the only person left.
2. You watch your friends back home on Snapchat getting lit without you.
No, seriously, it's totally okay you all got together without me. Just remember, it couldn't have been that great because I truly am the life of the party.
3. You miss your family more than you thought you would.
If your family is anything like mine, they get on your nerves so easily. But you can't help but miss them sometimes.
4. And you miss your hometown (even though you complained about it for your entire life).
I think just seeing everyone all excited about being home on social media really brings to light the fact that you do miss your hometown.
5. You slowly realize you made a bad decision to stay.
You think to yourself, "It's really only a couple of days, I can so handle this" (but, deep down, you really can't).
6. You're now counting the days until your next break.
You're not making the same mistake. Nope, go home. Do. It.
7. You realize your favorite place on campus where you get lunch every single day isn't open.
How am I going to survive? Seriously.
8. All you do is sleep.
What? Like you have any better ideas on how I should use up my time.
9. Oh, and stuff your face.
No one is here to judge you!
10. You FaceTime everyone back home to make it feel like you're there.
The FaceTime will usually last for hours until they get sick of you and hang up.
You will get through the break, I promise. It just may be a little harder than you thought it was going to be in the first place. But don't worry because the intensity and stress of school will come back in no time; along with the people that vanished.