Folklore says that the years you spend in college will be the best of your life, and there is absolutely no denying that college can be a pinnacle point on our paths. BUT with all the good, there's bound to be a little ugly here and there. Here are 10 problems we face as college students eloquently explained by Dwight K. Schrute.
1. When you're trying to study at the library, but the table behind you is being obnoxiously loud.
2. When the WiFi goes out on campus.
'nuff said.
3. When there are WAY too many people in your BADD duty car.
"Oh, you already have two people sitting on your lap? Okay, let's squeeze in another girl to lay across everyone." THIS IS NOT A CLOWN CAR, PEOPLE.
4. That moment when you fail your first test in college.
Beware: This can often lead to a mental breakdown followed by a slight desire to drop out of school altogether. Deep breaths.
5. When your roommates think it's funny to pull pranks on you.
You know what's sweeter than jello? Revenge...
6. When you're trying to go out and have a good time with you're friends, but everywhere you go is beyond crowded.
Because nothing feels better than being stepped on and bumped into at any local establishment.
7. When you order food but the delivery guy takes longer than expected.
No, it's cool, dude. Take your time. My stomach is making noises that resemble the mating call of a humpback whale, but take your time.
8. When you think you look super cool while dancing but you look like this...
You just keep doing you, though.
9. When you pull an all-nighter and NEED caffeine.
You don't care where it's from or how you get it. All you know is that you can not and will not function without some sort of caffeine pumping through your bloodstream.
10. When you see someone cute at the library, but you're too awkward to say hello.
My sincerest apologies for my lack of social skills.