If you want to hear some cool, really mellow songs then this list is just for you. Here's 10 songs that mean a lot to me, and 10 artists that are incredible. Check them out!
Gimmie All Your Love
By: Alabama Shakes
I shared a first kiss at the bridge of this song with someone and it always makes me happy to think about it. Honestly, listen to all of their songs they are amazing.
Be Mine
By: The Heavy
This song makes me feel so cool, like everything is black and white, I’m in the city, there are lights and cars passing by, the love of my life is walking with me through the streets and now we’re driving downtown while I throw my arms out the window and feel the air through my fingers.
One Time
By: Marian Hill
So smooth, so amazing. It’s sexy and underrated.
The Only One
By: The Black Keys
I have an easy going theme going on with these songs and this one is so romantic and smooth. So so great.
House of Cards
By: Radiohead
I just have so many memories, so many nice and romantic memories with this song. It’s uplifting, like it calms you no matter what, Radiohead is good like that.
All I’ve Ever Known
By: The Bahamas
It’s so good, the Bahamas are fantastic.
Thing’s Ain’t Like They Used To Be
By: The Black Keys
Okay so I already have The Black Keys on here, but I remembered this song and it fits with this whole slow aesthetic I’m trying to pull off so just listen, it’s so great.
By: Andrew Bird
I listened to this a lot at one point in my life when nothing made sense and then everything seemed okay. This song made everything okay.
Baby Came Home
By: The Neighbourhood
It’s so cool, sort of dark, sort of perfect.
Such Great Heights
By: Iron and Wine
I love this version so much. It makes me sad and hopeful. I think we all need to feel that sometime.
So these are just 10 songs, there are millions more that are perfect and amazing and some of them are within these same artists. So check out some new music, listen to everything, find amazing new songs and have a fantastic life.