16 Subtle Signs He's Into You: Zoom Edition
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16 Subtle Signs He's Into You: Zoom Edition

Tip: him agreeing to a Zoom chat isn't the end-all, it's just the beginning.

16 Subtle Signs He's Into You: Zoom Edition

This global pandemic has placed a hold on traveling, socializing, and a host of other things! Yet, it doesn't have to place a muzzle on love and friendship. Modern technology is by far one of the most amazing things about living in the 2020s, so don't be afraid to use it to your advantage. I know it can be hard to decipher someone's interest over a Zoom meeting, but here are a few signs that your newest potential boo truly has the hots for you when on a Zoom date. Enjoy! <3

1. Constant eye contact

Numerous articles and scientific journals suggest that we tend to maintain eye contact with the person we want to feel close to. If he's gazing longingly (or lovingly, and not in a creepy way) into your eyes, odds are he's really interested in getting to know you better.

2. He smiles like it's his birthday

I've gone out with all types of guys - those who smile about everything, and those who are a bit more guarded. However, demeanor goes out of the window when he truly likes you. If a guy tends to grin from ear to ear whenever you glance his way, he's probably having a great time.

3. He mentions another "date"

Zoom dates aren't exactly like face-to-face dates *surprise, surprise. Yet, much like on a face-to-face date, if he enjoyed the chat and wants to "meet" again, he'll clearly mention another date or he'll allude to it (if he's a bit more discreet).

4. He checks in

A Zoom date is usually preceded by numerous text and phone exchanges. If you shared an alarming incidence with him, or even more casual info like occurrences at work, he'll be very inclined to ask for a follow-up if he truly cares to know more.

5. He doesn't appear bored

Admittedly, Zoom calls aren't the most "exciting" thing ever, yet he won't seem to mind! If he genuinely likes you, he won't mind the less than favorable set-up/location of the date.

6. He talks about your relationship outside of current conditions

If he talks about the places you'll visit or the restaurants you'll frequent after this pandemic is over, he might just be in it for the long run. A man that thinks about and describes your budding relationship in "future" terms can see going the distance with you.

7. He mimics your body language

Like with eye contact, research has shown that your potential love interest will often mimic your body language if they feel a connection to you. Tip: If you lean closer to the camera and he does too, there might just be some mutual chemistry brewing!

8. He keeps track of what you say

When you're interested in someone, you take extra care in paying attention to what they tell you. If he mentions your fav band or tv show, that indicates he's interested in what you have to say.

9. He reaches out often and consistently

If he messages or calls you outside of the Zoom dates, and almost has a rhythm to it (e.g. good morning texts each day before he goes to work), he's likely super interested in getting to know you better.

10. He puts effort into looking good

Zoom chats, I find, tend to make things a bit "too" comfortable for some folks. However, if he's interested and takes this chat as a serious date, he'll still bring the same energy and awesome outfit as he would in-person (minus the pants, maybe).

11. He cares what his background looks like

At this point, we all know proper Zoom etiquette. If he's Zooming in bed, or in a messy room, he's probably not that into the date. If he does the opposite of this, he likely took the time to make sure he presented a background that looks just as nice as he does. :)

12. He shows up on time (or even a bit early!)

Punctuality tells you a lot about a man; namely, if he cares about your date! If he logs in on time, or even a tad bit early, he's likely excited to get the evening (or day!) started.

13. He focuses primarily on you

It's way too easy to get distracted while on Zoom, but his eyes and attention rarely strays from you if he's truly engaged.

14. He doesn't get put off by the Zoom "awkwardness"

I hate awkward silence - or just awkward convos in general! In these cases, I find myself blurting out the fact that everything is a little "unnatural." If a guy isn't turned off by that or lets it steer the rest of the date, you know he's a chill guy just there to enjoy your company.

15. He puts effort into the "date"

Zoom dates are likely not the most preferred option for dating...yet, there's still plenty of room to make it fun and interesting! If he takes the time to share dinner with you or even plans that you two synch up to watch a cute Netflix flick, he's a keeper.

16. He's not ready to log off

This is perhaps the largest tell-tale sign that a guy might be interested. If a guy seems unready or even disappointed that it's time for you both to end the chat, he probably really wants to spend more time with you.

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