Why Young Actors Thrive At Berkshire Theatre Group
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Why Young Actors Thrive At Berkshire Theatre Group

When you join BTG, you are joining a family.

Why Young Actors Thrive At Berkshire Theatre Group

Berkshire Theatre Group has been my home away from home for the past two summers. Obviously, I could not stay away because I am back again working with the same fabulous people and I am loving it even more than last year (if that is even possible!). This massive group consists of campuses in Pittsfield and Stockbridge, Massachusetts, three theaters (The Colonial, The Unicorn, and the Fitzpatrick) along with The Garage that is a small performance space inside The Colonial, and one inspiring mission. As found on their website, their mission is “to support wide ranging artistic exploration and acclaimed performances in theatre, dance, music and entertainment. Berkshire Theatre Group's celebrated four stages reflect the history of the American theatre; they represent a priceless cultural resource for the community. Our vision is to be a center for creative work that enriches, invigorates and transforms artists and audiences.”

For those of you who do not know me, last year I had the incredible opportunity to be an acting apprentice at BTG and perform in their production of Beauty and the Beast, and now this year and I have the blessing and privilege to portray Marian Paroo in The Music Man. It all started with my first giant cattle call audition at the South Eastern Theatre Conference. After I auditioned for close to 100 theatre companies, I was fortunate enough to be called back by Travis Daly, Associate Artist, Education at BTG (or as I call him, our "fearless leader"). As a scared, excited sophomore in college hoping to gain some summer work, there was no way I could even begin to anticipate the summer that awaited me. A callback led to an application for the apprentice program, which led to a phone interview, which led to a call from the Administrative Director of Education Allison Rachele Bayles, which led to me blurting out, "Yes, yes! Can I give you verbal confirmation that I accept the apprenticeship??" This apprenticeship was not just any ordinary apprenticeship. I not only got to take some fantastic master classes, but I met lifelong friends, got to go to the opening nights of some of the most fantastic shows I have ever seen, performed in the beautiful Colonial Theatre, and worked with some of the most dedicated people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. *

Let me take a moment to describe the spectacular stage I got to perform on last summer and have the privilege to perform on again this year. The Colonial Theatre can be found on BTG’s Pittsfield campus, and it is a magnificent 780-seat theater. It is by far one of the most breathtaking theaters I have ever had the pleasure of acting and telling stories in. My first time stepping onto the Colonial stage was last year when I was cast as LeFou in Beauty and the Beast in BTG’s annual community theatre production. Now when I say “community theatre,” I am not talking about your hometown’s community production of Beauty and the Beast where your Aunt Sally made the costumes in her basement, and your cousin helped choreograph with the moves she learned at dance camp last summer. I am talking about a massive 100-member cast with flying forks and knives, a masterfully created set, and stunning costume and lighting designs. The cast consists of a wide variety of members anywhere from 2nd grade to high school, college students, actors graduated from college, and even some experienced performers, all led by our “fearless leader,” Travis Daly.

(BTG's production of "Beauty and the Beast" summer 2016, photo by Emma Rothenberg-Ware)

As actors, you should hope and pray to your lucky stars that you get a chance to work under a director like Travis G. Daly. He is not only one of the most remarkable directors I have ever had the pleasure of working with, but he treats his actors like family. He is stern when he needs to be, but he always makes time for jokes** and is never opposed to bringing in a birthday cake or two during breaks. Travis is the type of director that knows when and how to deal with any situation and is a huge advocate of asking for his actor’s opinions when developing a character. It is so wonderful how he lets you be a part of the creative process and reminds you how important you are to the production. When everything is said and done, Travis knows how to put together one heck of a show. The best thing about him is that he is not afraid of anything (I mean, he’s working with me for the second year in row…). The music director for the past two shows I have worked on is equally as amazing and talented as Travis. He is not only one of the most brilliant pianists I have ever seen but is just as passionate about teaching as he is about playing. When Mark Gionfriddo sits down on the piano bench, it is hard to forget that it is just him playing and not the entire orchestra on opening night. Last year, although his hands were swollen from playing for our Apprentice Showcase and Beauty and the Beast rehearsals, he still kept playing with just as much enthusiasm and gusto as before. Needless to say, these excellent educators are dedicated to what they are doing and are more than willing to share their experience with you.

Although the credits I have on my resume are wonderful and everything I learned in my apprentice classes I still practice every day, I can easily say, without a shadow of a doubt that I have created the most genuine relationships I have ever had and felt the happiest I have ever felt while being a part of BTG. As a young actor trying to find your place in the world, it is easy to get caught up in the lies and negativity that unfortunately surround the theatre and, quite frankly, everyday life. But here, you have the opportunity to work with professionals who feel more like family and are genuinely interested in who you are and how to help you become the best you can be - not just as a performer, but also as a person. So to all you young actors looking for your "big break", just remember that if you don't love and respect who you're working with, it's not worth it. BTG is a delightful, superb place to plant some roots, get great experience, and not just "do" theatre, but make some magic along the way. When you join Berkshire Theatre Group you are not just joining a theatre, you are joining a family.

I will close this article with a quote that is posted on the front of this season’s programs. Kate Maguire, the Artistic Director and CEO of Berkshire Theatre Group, says, “The theatre is a creative laboratory where we may gather to reveal what mysteries lie in the human heart. By telling the story of our experiences, the fragility of humanity is revealed and we understand more significantly, our sameness. Our art forms are as old as civilization itself. There are no boundaries in the arts. The power of theatre lies in its ability to transform our understanding of all human experience.”

For more information about Berkshire Theatre Group and to purchase tickets for the summer season, visit here!! https://www.berkshiretheatregroup.org/

*Here is a link to an article I wrote back in August about my summer as an apprentice. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/16-strangers-become-family

** Just recently in our Music Man rehearsals, I jokingly told him I did not know what to do with my hands. Ever since then he will occasionally let me know that my “hands looked weird in the last scene” and to “work on it more.”

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