With the Democratic primaries over, we officially know who our primary candidates for the 2016 presidential election will be: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Only three months away, this election might just be the most important one in history. Never before have emotions and pure hatred run so high against both parties' candidate, from both sides. My news feed is plastered with posts and memes from most sides of the debate (oddly enough, though, I have yet to meet a Clinton supporter in real life). Many people have expressed their fear for the election results or their need to vote for a particular candidate, even if they disagree with them, in order to keep the other out of office. This is such a dangerous way to elect the leader of our country. Picking the lesser of two evils is still picking evil. Evil in the White House will only spread like the infectious disease it is. Evil as our Commander-In-Chief will not only hurt the lives of our men and women in uniform, it can potentially destroy our already unstable foreign relations. With the potential of a third world war around the corner, the stakes of this election are even higher. It is important, now more than ever, to elect the candidate who is right for the job. A candidate who we can trust. A candidate who will govern forthe people, instead of for themselves.
Many of your faces have just paled, stomach completed a somersault, as you realize neither of these candidates fit that description. "We're screwed" is a testament I've heard all too often recently. Americans are torn with their vote this year, many even deciding not to vote at all. I want to implore you to realize the gravity and importance of your vote this year. You have to vote and you have to vote with your heart. We can not pick the lesser of two evils this year. Let's not let the media control who we choose to lead our country into the future. Let's not let fear allow us to go against our morals and beliefs. Let's not avoid making a stand in fear it won't matter. No one has ever accomplished anything by not trying. In this case, not trying is allowing the corruption in this world to win. Our forefathers fought against greater odds and won. If you're not actively fighting for democracy now, you are passively fighting against it. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let corruption and evil win without a fight.
What's so wrong with a Trump or Clinton presidency?
While the answer to this questions may seem blatantly obvious to some of you, I have been repeatedly surprised as to how much people either don't know, refuse to acknowledge or don't understand the importance of. Luckily for them, I've compiled them all into a nice little list.
Hillary Clinton
I first would like to address the elephant in the room when it comes to Secretary Clinton: she's a woman. Too many people are quick to jump on misogyny when others oppose Clinton. This is just a ploy to shame the anti-Clinton voters. If a woman ran who was trustworthy, cared about the citizens of this country and proved to be a good leader, this article would probably be encouraging you to vote for her. I'd be the first to contribute to her campaign and vote. Unfortunately, we have not been provided that luxury. Though falsely attributed to Jimmy Carter, this quote still holds too much truth to ignore: "The novelty of electing 'The First Woman President of America' should not outweigh our duty of electing an honest and ethical president." Ladies, we cannot vote out of camaraderie; we must sit this one out. Besides, don't we want our first female president to be someone we can be proud of? Someone who shows the rest of the country (and world) why women should be in office? Someone who hasn't already given women in politics a bad name? I digress.
While there are multiple reason Hillary is unfit for office (like Eric Bonner's testament to her character, she defended a child rapist and shamed and silenced rape victims), I'll save you the "100 Reasons" and we'll tackle just the most pressing.
1. Her complete disrespect for the American people and comfort in lying to their faces.
In the following videos, Michael Armstrong compiled back-to-back statements straight from Hillary, Jim Jordan discusses the Benghazi statements and Trey Gowdy asks James Comey about the email scandal. Spoiler alert: they all expose specific instances when Secretary Clinton has lied to America's face. If she is so comfortable lying and covering them up when pointed out, how can you know which policies she has claimed on the campaign trail are legitimate and which ones she has fabricated for the vote? How can you trust anything your president tells you -- especially when it comes to foreign policy or your liberties -- when they have so blatantly and comfortably lied to you before?
2. Benghazi
I'm not going to argue any of the facts or claimed facts about Benghazi. To be honest, I'm not sure anyone really knows the truth except the people who were involved. However, there is a lesson to be taken away from this terrible incident. Hillary Clinton, as our Secretary of State, was given the responsibility to determine which foreign threats are real, when our foreign embassies are in danger and when we need to take action. Regardless of what happened leading up to the event, it is apparent by the loss of innocent American lives that Clinton made the wrong decision. She made a mistake, sure, but it was a fatal one. Now think about the role our president has as Commander-In-Chief. Think of all the important decisions the president makes every day that affect innocent lives. These are important decisions. Decisions that could mean life or death. Now think about North Korea's newest threats and what that might mean for our defense department in the future. Do we really want to elect someone to this position who has proven incompetent in these very situations? If we do, if we're willing to take that risk, then Secretary Clinton won't be the only one to blame for the next fatal attack.
3. EmailGate
In his defense for Hillary Clinton, James Comey confirms that highly classified information was held on a private server through Clinton's emails. Part of this information included that on informants from other countries -- arguably, people most in need of our protection. He also informed the nation that there was a potential of other, non-classified peoples having access to these emails. Please, take a second and realize the gravity of this. While according to our current laws, this is not a prosecutable act, it's definitely something to consider when electing our president -- the one person in this world who handles the most classified documents in our government. Clinton's "extreme carelessness" put the lives of those informants and our national security at risk. Again, is that really the risk you want to take when nominating the president? Especially at the brink of another war with one of the most ruthless leaders in the modern world? Her unapologetic stance on the entire situation doesn't provide much hope that the behavior is going to end, or that she even sees the problems with it. This is yet another job of utmost importance to the President of the United States that she has proven incompetence.
Donald Trump
I have never been more speechless than when I have a conversation with a true Trump supporter. While there are many reasons why Trump is an awful choice for the American president (he has disgraced POW's, mocked the physically disabled and is a misogynist) I often hear the same few reason, all of which are not sufficient:1. He has no real policies.
If you're a Trump supporter, I want you to think about the one policy that you agree with most. Now, I can almost guarantee you he has said the exact opposite of that sometime previously. He hasn't stayed consistent on much of anything throughout his campaign. Well, except for the wall. However, getting Mexico to fund the building of a wall will never happen. Trump hasn't proposed a single legitimate way to accomplish this claim, yet just the mention of it has amounted many supporters. If you remove the notion of the wall due to improbability, you really can't say which policy he stands by. When he is so quick and easy to change his core beliefs, how can you trust any promise he gives you? In fact, up until he announced his running for presidency, he was an open supporter of Hillary! Say what?
2. He isn't actually as successful as he seems.
One argument I've heard a lot has been that he's a great business man. This is appealing to many because of how severe our country is in debt. How a candidate is going to improve the economy is often a deciding factor for many voters. However, what they don't seem to realize is how fabricated Trump's success really is. They are expecting Trump's success in business to take a giant deficit and turn it into a surplus. What they don't understand is, Trump has literally never done that. He did not "start from the bottom and now he's here." He was able to start such successful businesses because he grew up on high ground; he had a luxurious start to life, inheriting at least $40 million. On top of that, he has had six companies go bankrupt throughout his career: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Castle (1992), Trump Plaza and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004) and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009). That is a lot of failed businesses and we want to put him in charge of our country? I don't think so.
3. He feeds off of the fear and anger of normally reasonable Americans.
Daniel Tiger has a song that he sings when he's feeling upset: "When you're feeling mad and you wanna roar, take a deep breath *inhale, exhale* and count to four." Why does he do this you ask? The same reason we all go to a quiet spot, hit a pillow or drink some wine when we're aggravated: we don't make rational decisions when making them out of anger. Our brains simply don't work that way. We are so overcome by fear or anger that it controls what we do, often making us do things we wouldn't otherwise. This is exactly what Trump feeds on. Just read some transcripts of his speeches or debates. They really don't say much of anything with substance, but you are guaranteed to find key words that are sure to elicit high emotion. The average, reasonable American knows how improbable that wall is, but they are so tired of being unemployed or not getting paid enough, that they start to believe that maybe Trump is right. Maybe this will solve the problem. He implements many of his speeches this way, Don't let your fears or anger control you. This is not the time to act irrationally. Now more than ever, you need to be thinking objectively and for the long-term. Trump is not your guy.
"So they're both awful, but what can I do?"
Vote Third Party
I have heard many of my conservative friends debating back and forth whether picking Trump or not voting at all would be better. They're afraid not to vote, because they think it will hand Hillary the election. I was afraid of the same thing, up until recently. You see, most of the kids I go to school with are liberal. Heck, most of my generation is liberal. So, I asked some of my peers what their thoughts on the election were and it was like music to my ears. An overwhelming population of democrats are only voting for Hillary to keep Trump out of office. They are just as afraid of a Trump presidency as conservatives are a Clinton presidency. Both parties are sacrificing their views and morals in order to pick the lesser of two evils. However, if everyone from both sides voted with their heart, if they found a candidate from a different party that they could at least find something to agree with, it would not only be a better choice for them, but the votes would even out. It wouldn't be just democratic or just republican votes that are split, instead, say 50 percent democrats voting for Clinton, 50 percent conservatives voting for Trump and the rest of the parties voting for a better candidate. Though, recent polls show approval ratings for both candidates less than 40 percent. That's 60 percent of both parties who could potentially be putting their vote towards someone they actually agree with. With those odds, we could actually elect a third-party candidate.
Either way, it will be utilizing your voice to make a difference. When sh*t hits the fan, because it will with either of the two primary candidates, you will be able to proudly claim you fought against that happening. What kind of message would we be sending to the DNC (who rigged the election) and the media (who control what political information we see) if the primary candidate elected had the lowest vote count of all time. What kind of message would it send to return the highest third party vote count of American history? To have third-party votes equal that of primary votes or even to have our first third-party president? As millennials, I think we're the most divided on this election. Many of us felt the Bern, only to be disappointed when the votes didn't reflect the pure passion in our stance. If we join together and let our voices be heard, we can show the baby-boomers they can't get away with such rising amounts of corruption. We can change the world with just our votes.
Meet Jill Stein
Jill Stein is running for the Green Party. Her mission is to "put people, planet and peace before profit." Some of her key points include transitioning to 100 percent renewable resources throughout the country, abolishing student debt and protecting the LGBTQIA+ community.
Here's a helpful video to get to know her policies:
Also, here's a news segment that helps further the claim that more people than you think are voting Third Party. Please consider joining them!
She is pretty similar to Bernie Sanders. However, keep in mind how far left her stances are. The collective of both parties who don't like the primary candidates will still be split if Jill Stein is who we start rooting for.
Meet Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson is running for the Libertarian party, saying "We need to make America sane again." As a libertarian, Johnson is that perfect meeting ground for both the Republican and Democratic voters who aren't favorable of their current options. His key principles have issues that appeal to both sides. For the more conservative voters, he wants to lower taxes (proven to be successful in his governing state of New Mexico), preserve personal freedoms, create term limits and bring more power to the states, rather than the federal government. For the more liberal voters, he believes "each woman must be allowed to make decisions about her own health," even though he personally disagrees with abortions. He wants to protect the environment, rehabilitate (rather than incarcerate) drug addicts and completely reform our criminal justice system to work for the American people, not against them. He's also pretty funny and works well alongside his running mate, Bill Weld.Here's his serious, yet humorous campaign video trying to convince you to vote for him and Bill Weld:
Fun fact: This pair is only 3 percent away in polls from being included in the upcoming presidential debates. Further proof that more and more people are seriously considering voting third party.
For those of you Trump supporters who only like Trump because he isn't afraid to say it how it is, here's a little video to help illustrate Johnson's unapologetic stance on doing just that:
During your high school election, would you rather vote for the bully who beats everyone up in the halls, the mean girl who gets away with her antics by lying to the teachers or the less popular quiet girl/guy who actually has ideas and ways to implement them?
This is the situation we're in now. So seriously, look these people up. I could post all kinds of videos that suggest more and more people are moving towards third party votes. Be part of this change! Pick the best candidate for the job, not the lesser of two evils. Show the media their lack of coverage ultimately does not affect your vote. Overcome your fear of not making a difference, your fear of "letting them win." By joining our voices together, we can make these votes matter. Let's fight for democracy.