You Know You're A Lifeguard When | The Odyssey Online
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You Know You're A Lifeguard When

We love our jobs, we promise.

You Know You're A Lifeguard When

Being a lifeguard is one of the best summer jobs you can have. You're outside all the time, you are usually working with people around the same age as you, and in case someone is in trouble, you get to be the hero. I have been a lifeguard for about six years now and these are the things that stick out to me.

1. Every time someone runs anywhere you feel the need to yell, "WALK, PLEASE!"

Whether you're at the pool, in the mall, or at school you want to let the running culprit know that running can be hazardous to their health. And you have just been so used to yelling 'walk' that it is almost impossible not to, even when you're off duty. Even when you're at a different pool it comes out of you like word vomit.

2. You accept the fact that you will have awkward tan lines all summer.

This is both a pro and a con. On the pro side, you get tan. You are usually the tannest member of your friend group, unless all of your friends are lifeguards too. On the con side, it is either in the shape of a halter back swimsuit or a tank top. No matter how hard you try to even it out, it won't work.

3. Sometimes you feel that "babysitter" would be a better job title.

Don't get me wrong, being a lifeguard is a serious job. But, when little kids run up to you saying things like, "Johnny hit me" and "Nick looked at me funny," you have to figure out a way to take care of it.

4. You can be found at the pool almost everyday.

On your days off it is hard to be inside all day. You find any excuse that you can to go to the pool, whether it is to check your schedule, swim laps to keep in shape, or to even out your tan.

5. You feel like a super hero when you save a five-year old from the deep end.

You always have that one little kid who wants to hang out with the big kids. In all reality he could probably bob his way back to the edge but he doesn't know that. So, you get in and bring him back to the edge and he is so thankful! You find some kids that he can play with in the shallow end so he doesn't do it again. Go you!

6. You go into full on "Grey's Anatomy" mode when someone cuts their foot or gets a bloody nose.

You have had so much blood borne pathogen training that any moment you see blood you immediately rope off the area, get someone to clean up the blood, and fix the child. Even though it's just a little scrape, it is probably the most exciting thing to happen to you all day.

7. You have become a pro at fixing goggles.

Goggles are fun and all, except for when they break. Some days you feel like you have a sign above your head that says, "Bring broken goggles here."

8. Your first response to anything is, "I'm a lifeguard, can I help you?"

When you are hanging out with your friends and someone starts choking on a potato chip, you all jokingly say, "I'm a lifeguard, can I help you?" just because you don't get to say that enough, and you want to make sure that they know that you are certified to save lives.

9. Your perfume for the summer is a mix of sunscreen and chlorine.

You can take ten showers a day and the smell will not go away. Your friends all know that if something smells like a pool it is probably you. But that's OK, you own that lifeguard scent.

It may seem like we goof off but we promise you, we take our job seriously. The moment that someone needs help, we are there. We work very hard at keeping your friends and family safe so the next time you are at a pool, please follow the rules, they are there for a reason.

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