Ye of Newfound Faith | The Odyssey Online
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Ye of Newfound Faith

My revelation about religions after finding my own

Ye of Newfound Faith

Before I delve into this article, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to the people whose religions and creeds I have mocked or degraded in any manner. Being a young fool does not excuse my words of negativity toward you and your faith, and for that, I offer my most sincere apologies, in hopes that your hearts are more generous than mine was.

Now, onto business. If the title or the introduction of this article did not clue you in on the topic of this piece is, today I am going to ramble about the, at times, controversial topic of religion. But rest assured, my friends, this will not be me attempting to convert you to a certain religion, nor is it a discrediting of your God(s). I would like to speak to you about the experiences and importance of the religions that every single one of us have chosen; yes, even you atheists. This is a bold claim, I know, but I only have the confidence to say it because I was a non-believer that has found a religion. Which religion it is doesn’t matter. The only part that matters is that I am on my way to, what I believe is, my salvation.

Like most religions, the path I have chosen teaches peace and appreciation for all things that life offers. It also teaches of the maelstrom of untapped strength that resides within myself. Such a power can be used to improve myself or my surroundings all without once mentioning which deity or deities I pray to. However, this is just the experiences of myself and other followers of faith. But what of the non-believers that I mentioned earlier? I was once on of them, I realize now that even back before I converted I had a religion. I can’t think of an example better than Kahlil Gibran’s quote, “Your daily life is your temple and your religion.” I ask as a humble man: can you fully disagree with this? All I used to believe in was death. That’s all we get. Birth and death, birth and death, over and over again with nothing past the latter. I would live as though everything I did that day would contribute to my legacy. If I worked, I would put my all into it. If I slept, I cherished every dream. If I built, I did it to the best of my ability, even if my ability was lacking. I’m sure you understand what I’m getting at. Since my conversion, nothing has changed except that I believe in more than I can actively prove.

Proof. What an interesting and damaging word. “Prove your God to me.” “What part of your faith is based on fact?” I am ashamed to say that these examples are actual questions I have forced people to answer. Although, even back then I could prove one thing: churches are houses of pure energy when the faithful are inside them. Now I chose the word “energy” for a reason, and not because it sounded nice. On the day I converted I felt said energy. The best I can describe it to you, is a comfortable pressure within me that was somewhere between the feeling you get you a limb falls asleep and the blood is rushing back into it and a chill. Call it a deity, call it a draft that cooled certain parts of my body, call it what you will- but I know what I felt. It was all too well timed to the words I was saying to be mere coincidence. Before my faith, I might have called this feeling pride or some higher, more impressive sounding emotion of happiness.

Isn’t that what this life is about? An entire planet in the pursuit of happiness while resting in a brotherhood of Man. I think that is what religion was meant to be. A community to share records of histories and stories, and to compare and contrast our teachings so that it may improve Mankind as a whole. Such a pity that our stubborn, childlike tendencies would not release us. We all just HAD to be the ones in the right. It isn’t too late. If I was able to open my mind to different possibilities and teachings, then I have no doubt that Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, Hindus, Atheists, and all other faiths, creeds, religions, and beliefs can as well. Universal brotherhood is not just a fictitious utopia trapped within the pages of some novel. It will take some time, and a lot of understanding, but I know that we, the people, all have our own untapped power inside of us; this is coming from the former non-believer part of me. When we accept that power, and our religions, I think we will be well on our way to a better tomorrow.

Take care, my friends.

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