You Cannot Succeed Unless You Try First
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You Cannot Succeed Unless You Try First

A letter to the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.

You Cannot Succeed Unless You Try First

The end of an era. President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, will soon be stepping down to ensure the continuation of our Republic. He will be sorely missed by many Americans, including myself.

In October of 2015, I wrote to the President asking if he would attend my high school graduation ceremony scheduled for May the following year. I would be immortalized as a class president forever if I was able to get THE President to speak at our graduation. I did not hear back until April when I got a call from the White House. Unfortunately, President Obama was unable to attend, but I did get a pretty cool voicemail from a staffer saying the President wished us all the very best in our future. I listened to that voicemail over and over again. I had to find a way to hear the President speak some other way.

The United Church of Christ holds its biennial General Synod this year in 2017. I just happen to be a delegate for the Iowa Conference for this large meeting. President Barack Obama just happens to be a member of the United Church of Christ. Below is a letter asking the General Minister and President, the reverend Dr. John Dorhauer (what a guy), to formally invite the President to address the body. The world is run by those who show up. You would be surprised how far you can go by just showing up, being respectfully persistent, and asking the questions people already think they know the answer to.

General Minister and President

700 Prospect Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44115

January 12, 2016

Dr. Dorhauer,

My name is John Lof and I am a first-year at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. We met at General Synod in Cleveland last year, and then in September of last year for the installation of my hometown pastor, Cameron Barr in Grinnell, Iowa. Elizabeth Dilley is also a former pastor of mine and great family friend.

I am writing to you about the exciting event that is General Synod. I become overjoyed when I think ahead to next year’s gathering in the great city of Baltimore, and when reflecting on the occasion, I often wonder who we will have the privilege to listen to address our body. If I may, I would like to make a request of you.

Will you send an invitation to President Barack Obama, asking him to speak to our Synod? Who better to address the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, than President Obama? A man who lives daily as a testament to what each and everyone of us should live to be. A man who will ardently press the Church to live our belief that no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here, because we know that the Lord, our God, is still speaking.

My favorite memory of the President was on the eve of the 2012 General Election. The President held his final rally on Locust street of Des Moines. If one is to take a perfect picture of Des Moines, Locust street is probably the best opportunity to capture a scene of the city. Looking West, you can the city’s tallest building 801 Grand, where it is joined by the few other towering structures on the West side of the Des Moines River. Turn around and see how the street perfectly splits the gold domed Iowa State Capitol into two symmetrical halves.

The rally on Locust spanned several blocks, with each end having a star-spangled background. The airport-like security checkpoint funneled tens of thousands of Iowans onto the city street. The density of those around me helped to alleviate the factors normally felt on a crisp November evening.

Bruce Springsteen played a wonderful acoustic set. His signature long ballads played on the guitar, supplemented with the skillful manipulation of his harmonica, Springsteen added a certain charm to the atmosphere.

When the President took the stage, the crowd that had been waiting for hours to hear this man speak, exploded with applause. The President spoke on the necessity of four more years. He gave us the reasons why when Democrats win, everyone wins. The necessity of brotherhood. I am not free unless you are free and you are not free unless I am free.

He ended the night with a pitch to get out and vote. The President told us the story of how he got his campaign slogan. Edith Childs is credited with the phrase “Fired up! Ready to go!” This call and response chant never fails to energize a crowd. I can not begin to tell you how charged I was and everyone around me was. What a beautiful night. Barack Obama, of course, went on to win the election the following day.

I began writing this letter in late October, revised it, meaning to send it through the mail, but I never did. Today, I opened this letter back up. I watched President Obama award Vice President Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom. To be bestowed with the award is an extraordinarily high honor, but watching what I saw today was different. Seeing the heartfelt, genuine emotion they put forth reminded me of this letter and the legacy they will leave behind. I truly aspire to emulate the type of character they exhibit.

So I ask of you Dr. Dorhauer, please write President Obama, as I have written to you, and send him an invitation to our Synod. I imagine I am not the only one who would consider this a wonderful idea. I look forward to seeing you and the rest of our Church in Baltimore, Maryland next summer.

With many blessings,

John Lof

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