XXXTentacion Gone Too Soon
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XXXTentacion gone Too Soon

XXX will live on forever through his fans and other people's music.

XXXTentacion gone Too Soon

Recently, as you may have all heard, XXXTentacion(Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy) died on Monday, June 18th, 2018, of a gunshot wound near Deerfield Beach, Florida. XXX was in the area looking to purchase motorcycles at the RIVA Motorsports dealership. According to witnesses and bystanders, XXX was sitting in his car when two cruel, unruly individuals decided to do a drive-by shooting. They entered his car and stole his Louis Vuitton bag, that I am pretty sure contained important, expensive items.

He was later exported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead at the age of 20. Many of his fans gathered at the same feint location that is marked as "XXX's last steps on this earth," to mourn the loss of such a troubled, but gifted soul.
When I first heard and saw the news, I could not believe this. "XXXTentacion is dead at 20." It is something unheard of, and something I could not grasp until now. To go sit at a table or in your room, knowing the person you listen to on occasion will never spit another lyric again.

Now I know how Tupac fans feel when they cannot hear one of the greatest emcees spit truth anymore.

Let's be frank here. I really do not listen to Tupac. I sparingly listen to Biggie, so I never understood what it is like to listen to a dead person's music. Now I will have to endure that now with XXXTentacion. As the realization kicked in that he is not going to be on this earth anymore, I felt a little bit hurt when I listened to his music. A somber, hurtful thump hits your throat when you cannot see that person express their feelings through music. You can see a person's soul through their music, and try to seep into a famous person's life. But now that they have passed, it is really hard to do that.

XXX at the Rolling Loud Festival..Miami 2017 The Hollywood Unlocked

XXXTentacion was a different rapper/artist.

XXXTentatacion was a different artist from what you currently see in mainstream media. XXX was an individual who had a catastrophic background, that many experiences, but only a few come out unscathed. To be honest he was a troubled kid from the start. He often got in trouble and made his rounds of suspension from numerous schools. He once had stabbed a man because the man was attempting to attack his mother. I think he had evil within him, but he could still change.
After XXX's stints in juvenile delinquency centers, he started to write music. And soon after, everything began to change for Jahseh. He has produced numerous hit songs like "F*** Love", "Changes", "Jocelyn Flores", and "Sad." He has produced and written two albums "17" and "?" that have debuted in the billboard 200 #2 and #1 respectively. XXX was an artist who can cross different genres of music without losing his identity. He really told a story that made you understand the actions and deeds, he has committed.

XXXTentacion wasn't afraid to talk about mental illness.

XXXTentacion was not afraid to talk about the mental issues he has dealt with throughout his short career and life. Through depression, anxiety, being bipolar and having anger issues, Jahseh had many demons that he needed to conquer. XXXTentacion was a person who needed help and he was destined to do that before his life was cut short. And because of this XXX has a loyal fanbase that will "ride or die" for him no matter what.

Alike XXX, many of his fans have dealt with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and other mental illnesses. In my eyes, XXX served as a beacon light for those in need of comfort, love, understanding and being different. Many fans have gravitated to him and were inspired by XXX's personality and drive to do anything they would want to do in this lifetime. In fact, he wrote the song "Jocelyn Flores," in memory of his best friend Jocelyn Flores who died of suicide when she visited XXX. According to his words, "Jocelyn was a beautiful and loving girl, who wanted to become a model. She showed no indication of being depressed or suicidal."

Even though people may smile and pose as this figure that has it all together, when in actuality, they are tearing up inside, just waiting to burst out in tears.That's why it is imperative to always check in with people, to see how they are really doing. Because sometimes people could use, just a pick me up. Who knows!!!! You may make their whole day meaningful because you were eager to ascertain how the day went for them.

XXXTentacion attending the BET Hip Hop Awards in Miami, Florida 2017. NBC News

Describing XXX in my own words!!!

In my eyes, XXX did a lot for this generation in so little time. He has created a fanbase that really loves him, understands him, and wants to see him do great. And that is the type of fanbase that I want in the future, for my music career. XXX has shed light on the voiceless. He has encouraged everyone to be different, be courageous and to ALWAYS follow your dreams. And now I think his fans are looking for the next voice to get them through their episodes of being depressed or feeling suicidal, now that the punk rock boy has "kicked the bucket."

One of the things that really strikes me and scares me is, XXX was not afraid to die.

In his music, he always spoke on death, got ingratiated with the concept of death. And I think that is disturbing and wearing on the human brain. In the Bible, Proverbs 18:21, "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (ESV)" To me, it seemed XXX would rather be dead than alive. It seems he was not happy with his current life, even though he was garnering critical acclaim, record sales, topping billboard charts and obtaining the finer things.

I guess he exemplified that no amount of fame or wealth can take away the pain that is in your heart or brain. What we need is real love, and he never really got that in life.

I guess he exemplified that no amount of fame or wealth can take away the pain that is in your heart or brain. What we need is real love, and he never really got that in life.But I think XXXTentacion's death will open up A LOT of people's eyes

I think XXX's death will open up society and America about people having mental issues. Despite XXX being killed by a "random robbery," he was still mentally ill in a certain way. In one of XXX's Instagram videos, he talked about being a "sacrifice," just a month before his death. And I think his death can serve as a way to bring people together.

His death can be used as a way for individuals to stop beef with other individuals, to stop and think about the actions we demonstrate every day. We can use his death in a positive way, by showing love those that may need it, to those that we never thought of showing love to and to show appreciation for our lives and everyone we come in contact with.

And that's what it's all about. Showing appreciation admiration, and giving credit when it is due to those that need it for themselves. As XXX would say, "I hope my message would perceive it correctly, and use it to do whatever they want in life."

Even though XXX has done some crazy, unruly, unforgiven stuff, that should not be how he should be remembered. This is what I hear from people on social media. "He beat up his pregnant girlfriend and beat up a gay person for looking at him. He gets no respect from me. The world is not that worse off without him. XXX cannot beat on women ever again. XXX will never be Tupac, so do not compare."

It is crazy how people are judgmental before you are born, during your life and after your life. People will always have something to say about you, until the day they die. People are so hung up on their own beliefs and wrongful feelings, that they cannot fathom that a 20-year-old kid lost his life to gun violence.It is crazy how people are judgmental before you are born, during your life and after your life. People will always have something to say about you, until the day they die. People are so hung up on their own beliefs and wrongful feelings, that they cannot fathom that a 20-year-old kid lost his life to gun violence.It is crazy how people are judgmental before you are born, during your life and after your life. People will always have something to say about you, until the day they die. People are so hung up on their own beliefs and wrongful feelings, that they cannot fathom that a 20-year-old kid lost his life to gun violence.I mean when are people are going to wake up and smell the roses, instead of always being pricked by them.

People need to show compassion and love for someone who was looking to change, and wanted to change the world. I am not saying to condone the actions he committed, but to give people a second chance. But honestly, it does not matter whether you give forgive him, show him compassion, or give him respect, because he will not be able to feel it. He will not be able to see it. But he will be able to hear it.

XXX will always live on through his music, his fans and his family. According to Cleopatra Bernard, XXX's mother, XXX apparently "left us a gift." Apparently his current girlfriend is expecting a baby. And to see his baby grow up without a father, is disheartening and hits home. But I know the baby is going to have a great support system that will give the baby all the love it needs.


A photo for people for people who are going through depression Instagram-The Slump God

Brothers Forever Instagram-The Slump God

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