When I first started writing for Odyssey, I wasn’t particularly sure what to expect. In fact, I didn’t even have many, if any, expectations. I joined on a whim. My now Editor-in-Chief posted a link to the application to a Facebook group that I was a member of, I browsed the website and I figured I didn’t have anything to lose if I submitted an application.
My first article gained over 100 social media shares, something I would come to learn was uncommon for a new writer. However, that was all it took. My first article was relatively successful, and I was hooked. As I continued writing and sharing my articles, I found that I looked forward to spending my Friday afternoons crafting a piece—almost as much as I enjoyed seeing the responses to my articles the following Monday. It became ritual.
I have been with Odyssey for seven months, which seemed like an appropriate time to reflect on why I’ve stuck with it. The simplest and most basic answer would be that Odyssey allows me to share my work and receive generally positive feedback. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of praise and attention.
On a deeper level, Odyssey provides me, an English major, with the unique opportunity to practice my craft. In my seven months of writing, I wrote articles and listicles on everything from my love of pizza to my struggle with acne to my most recent piece on finding the good in all things. With all of the freedom that Odyssey allows its writers, I have been able to experiment writing different pieces in different styles on different topics. In short, writing for Odyssey helped me find my voice, my style and is helping me become a better writer.
Another aspect of my Odyssey journey that I have come to particularly enjoy is my Odyssey community. All of the writers, including our Editor-in-Chief, communicate through a group chat. When I first joined The Odyssey, the group chat was the bane of my existence. I hated getting the notifications for it, and I hated reading back through 50 plus messages to find an announcement or important message if I missed a conversation while I was in class or at work.
However, our community grew, the single thread of messages turned into two different threads of messages. In one thread, announcements are posted and we share our articles. In the other thread, we discuss ideas and news topics, share memes and have a general conversation. I also learned how to turn my notifications off, so I have to open the app before I see the messages. I enjoy reading the messages and taking part in the conversation. Being involved in a conversation that, when turned to serious matters, challenges me and forces me to see someone else’s point of view has become one of my favorite parts of writing for Odyssey.
Writing for Odyssey far exceeded the negligible expectations I had when I first joined. It helped me to grow as a writer and a person. I can’t wait to see what my next seven months with Odyssey brings.