Dear Gar,
I feel like it was just yesterday that mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. You were so little and so cute; and I remember being so excited that my baby brother had finally been brought into the world. Well, fast forward 17 years later and my baby brother has grown into this intelligent, kind, hysterical, incredible star athlete. I can seriously not even believe how fast time has gone by, but as you enter into your last first day of high school, (I can't believe we're both seniors) there are a few things I'd like to you to keep in mind.
Make the most of the time you have with your friends and family, and cherish the time spent with them
I know you have probably heard this a million times, but trust me when I tell you that time will freaking fly by. It's important to focus on the people you love, and to make as many memories as you can with them. Whether this means giving your all in that last football or lacrosse game, going on an adventure with your best friends, or having the ultimate prom experience, remember that this is your year to go out and do as much as you can. In four years, you're gonna look back and remember that these were some of the best times of your life.
Try your best not to get Senioritis
With that being said, I know how tempting it might be to skip out on doing homework that you think is stupid, studying for that Calculus test or putting friends or girls before school work - believe it or not I've been there. But please, for the love of God, take your classes seriously. In a year, when you're in college, you'll be wishing you could crack open a textbook that was free and you'll miss having teachers that care enough to hunt you down to turn in that research paper.
Football is important, but don't forget that school is too
I can't pretend that I had the burden (as well as the pleasure) to balance friends, sports and schoolwork as well as you have. You are the star of your football team and I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of everything you've accomplished. I mean, between the personal trainers, the coaches that have pushed you over the years and the drive and determination you have to get to the next level you are absolutely inspiring. You deserve every college offer you've gotten thus far and every one that you have yet to recieve. However, it is just as important that you recognize how incredibly significant it is that you make school a priority. No matter the level, your education is one of the very few things that no one can take away from you. You will carry everything you learn with you long after your athletic career, and you will gain the knowledge and power to change the world for the better. Take advantage of the opportunity!
I will always be here for you
I know that you sometimes feel overwhelmed or like nobody understands what you're going through, but I am here to tell you that you will always have a friend in me. If you are ever feeling like your world is crashing down on your shoulders, please do not hesitate to come to me. No matter where we are, no matter what's going on, no matter what time it is, I will always be here for you. You have always come first, and you always will - nothing will ever change that. I've always got your back. I promise.
Give Mom and Dad A Break
I know how irritating it can be when you come home from a long day and all you want to do is relax, only to have your thoughts interrupted by mom nagging you to clean your room or dad yelling from two floors away that the recyclables go out tomorrow, but believe me when I say that you will miss every minute of it when you're away at college. You will miss being able to just walk into a room and talk about anything. You'll miss dad's stories and mom's craziness when she finally gets out of work early. Don't forget that with you gone, their empty nest syndrome will be in absolute full swing. So if mom and dad are being extra hard on you, it's because they love you and they want to prepare you for the day that you won't always have them at arm's length. Don't be so eager to get away from home - I promise you will look back on the family dinners and game nights more than you know.
I know you can't wait to be done with Burke and go out in the "real world", but let me tell you that the freedom is definitely not all it is cracked up to be. So please, enjoy this time. Go to school events. Make memories. Enjoy your room, your bed, the luxury of eating free food and not having to pay to do your laundry. Revel in being a kid for just a little while longer, because once it's gone you can't get it back. But mostly, remember that I love you and will always be someone you can count on, no matter what.