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20 Boss Women You Need To Know About Right Now

Females are strong as hell

20 Boss Women You Need To Know About Right Now

Women have been inspiring the world for years but a lot of people go unacknowledged. Here are 20 boss women you need to know about right now that have changed the world in one way or another. We can all learn from people like these

Katherine Switzer


The first woman to run the Boston marathon as a registered runner even though she still needed to register under her initials so they didn't figure out she was a female. Women weren't allowed to run in marathons until the 70's and the Boston marathon in particular has been going on since the 1800's! The Olympics didn't even have a women's marathon event until the 80's!

Tarana Burke


Founder of the #metoo movement in 2006.

Sally Ride


In 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman in space.

Malala Yousafzai


She was shot for going to school by the Taliban when she was 15 years old. Now the 21 year old remains an activist for education rights and became the youngest person ever to receive the Noble Peace Prize.

Ashley Graham


An activist for body confidence and acceptance, this Sports Illustrated model is beautiful inside and out.

Sheryl Sandberg


The COO of Facebook shows exactly why it's important for women to be more represented in the technology business.

Eve Ensler


Author and advocate for the fight against violence for women

Dr. Antonia Novello


She was the first female surgeon general and she's Latina.

Nancy Pelosi


The first Speaker of the House in United States history who served as the minority leader from 2007-2011.

Janet Reno


The first female attorney general in the United States.

Janet Guthrie


The first woman to ever qualify for the Daytona 500 leading the path for famous women race car drivers such as Danica Patrick.

Wilma Rudolph


The first woman from the United States to win three gold medals in track and field in one Olympics.

Geradline Ferraro


In 1984, the first woman to be nominated as a vice presidential candidate by either major political parties in the United States.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg


Supreme Court Justice who has survived cancer and is a strong supporter of human rights especially rights for females.

Sandra Day O' Connor


The first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court. She served from 1981-2006.

Joan Ganz Cooney


The co-creator of Sesame Street is known for her long legacy in television production.

Mary Phelps Jacob


Inventor of the modern day bra who also spent her time as a publisher.

Jeannette Rankin


In 1916, she became the first woman elected to congress.

Juliette Gordon Low


We can say thanks to her for some thin mints and samoas because she was the founder of the Girl Scouts of America.

Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell


In 1849, as a British woman, became the first woman to ever graduate from medical school in the United States.

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