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10 Women Who Have Influenced My 18 Years Of Life, Every Day

They have empowered me to be the best woman I can be.

10 Women Who Have Influenced My 18 Years Of Life, Every Day

Being a woman today in society can be either challenging or empowering based on the factors presented. Specifically, society has given women challenges and obstacles to over not only in today's society but in the past as well. Women have tackled these forces by empowering one another. As well, the women that we surround ourselves with or allow us to influence us can determine how we not only view life but how we feel about ourselves. In the United States and all over the world there has been a long line of powerful women throughout generations that have personally influenced me and maybe have or may influence you too.

1. Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, where do I start?! She has influenced millions of people not only in America but all over the world by being the individual she is and loves to embrace. She is a remarkable, beautiful, confident and empowered woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and loves helping others in many ways — such as telling her own personal life stories and experiences. She has made America envision themselves as a healthier version both mentally and physically. She is a lead advocate for healthy families and high education being provided for those all over the world. As well, she has mainly influenced me by what she has done not only today for America, but what she has done in her past to get where she is now. She focused on her education and herself rather than boys during her younger years and it is truly inspiring to see where she is now.

2. Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe showed society that everyone and everything is beautiful. That everybody shape, hair color, and flaws. She made what society considered imperfect and made it into something beautiful — no wonder she was considered a beauty icon. As well, she was able to turn a frown into a smile by always thinking and finding the positive in a situation rather than focusing on the negative. She has influenced me by making me realize the positives in life and that every inch of a person is beautiful in their own way. Forget about societal standards!!

3. Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn was not afraid to show the world who she was- consisting of a talented and beautiful actress who devoted her free time to helping those in need. She was not only a fashion icon but was someone who showed the world that you can have the best of both worlds by being who you are. She showed compassion to those around her and filled the world with more smiles at the time — demonstrating her influence over the world.

4. Malala Yousafzai

Education should be an automatic right instead of a privilege for not only men but for women all over the world. She has taught me and other fellow women, to take education more seriously and be grateful that we have been given this opportunity to learn while some women and men all over the world would love to have the opportunity I do. They would love the opportunity to go to school and learn about the world. She has gone through so much and truly is an influence to those all over the world as she fights for her cause. She decided to speak up, and so should we.

5. Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is a powerful writer who can convey not only her emotions and message to her readers but a story- a combination of heartbreak and love. She has influenced many generations-future and past, through her writing. She paints vivid pictures in her poems that can teach lessons and evoke empathy from readers. She has taught me to show my emotions and tell my story in any way I can- to not be afraid of what I may say and use my voice through writing.

6. Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres has influenced me in a multitude of ways, specifically how to have a good and fun time in life because you only get one. She has also taught people — including me, through her show to be okay and confident with being yourself and what you stand for. Previously, years ago she came out as a lesbian and her show got canceled — but she did not let that define her, she redefined herself and grew confident with who she is and now is one of the most popular women in America.

7. Margaret Sanger

For those who are unaware of who Margaret Sanger is, she was an activist who fought for women's reproductive and health rights and was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She fought and was dedicated to her cause to fight for women's health rights and reproductive rights. A lot of people — including other women and men, shut her down and even physically silenced her. However, she was a hard-working, passionate, and dedicated women who pursued her ideas, which led to Planned Parenthood. She has influenced me to keep working towards my goals and pursue what I believe in.

8. Susan B. Anthony

If it was not for Susan B. Anthony and the struggles she withstood, women would not be able to vote in America. She not only fought for her generation of women to vote but for future generations of women to vote as well. She gave women a voice in political standings and that we are and always will be equal to men.

We, as women need to continue her fight and continue using the voice she gave us by voting and not only continuing, but also pursuing the fight of women's rights.

9. Oprah Winfrey

Okay...who does not love Oprah??? Please, do tell me. She is stunning in every aspect possible-whether that be through the way she talks, thinks, and walks. She holds pride and confidence in every step she takes in life and donates her fortune to those in need. She has taught women all over the world how to be proud, courageous, passionate, successful, and not accept anything less than what we, women deserve. Her words are truly inspiring and are great to live by without any exception.

10. Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks is someone we all learned and read about during our younger school years and more in depth later on. She left a lasting impression on me by being the person she was and the qualities she possessed. She was a strong and hard-working woman who stood up and fought for what she believed was right, no matter the potential consequences. These qualities Rosa Parks held, I hold close to my heart and use in my daily life to describe myself. I choose to be a hardworking and strong woman due to the influence Rosa Parks had over me since such a young age.

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