10 Ways Women Can Still Make History | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways Women Can Still Make History

You can become a woman who is discussed every March from now on.

10 Ways Women Can Still Make History

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Since March is Women's History Month, we take these thirty-one days to celebrate all of the ways different women made history. From receiving an education to revolutionizing the world in ways similar to men have, women have proven to be capable and strong and able to shape our history. However, there are still some feats that women have yet to achieve and jobs that still have not been held by a woman.

So, if you are a woman who wants to be discussed every March from now on, here are ten ways you, as a woman, could still make history:

1. Become president of the United States.

Okay, I'm starting with a very obvious one, but it's about time, people. We've had the right to vote for nearly a century, we have been breaking barriers left and right since the nineteenth century, it's time for one of us to take on the oval office. Sure, taking on that endeavor is a tall order, masses of people will disagree with us, and we may be undermined among our male counterparts but should that stop us? If the presidency still intimidates you, the Vice President, Chief Justice, or Senate Majority Leader still have never been taken on by a woman.

2. Walk on the Moon...

For over half of a century, we have proven to have the technology to travel to the Moon (and then some). So what is precluding a woman from boarding a mission? We have Valentina Tereshkova to thank for becoming the first female in outer space, but we need to take this a step further (no pun intended).

3. ...or become an administrator of NASA.

Okay, so we basically need more women in space, more women associated with space, and extend gender equality beyond planet Earth (even if it's far from perfect here).

4. Head coach a professional men's sports team.

Females have taken on various assistant coach roles including Kathryn Smith who coached for the Buffalo Bills and Nancy Lieberman who coached the Sacramento Kings, but no woman has actually been promoted to the head position. After watching some of these sports teams struggle under the direction of males (for starters, the Baltimore Orioles, the Oakland Raiders, the Kansas City Royals, the Minnesota Timberwolves), it might be time to shake things up with a female coach.

5. Become the CEO of a Top-5 Fortune 500 company.

There is definitely hope of a woman achieving this feat, given that there are many female CEOs who are on the Fortune 500 at all. Gail Boudreaux, the CEO of Anthem Health Insurance, holds the record for the highest-ranked female CEO at No. 8. Therefore, we should hope to see a female CEO creeping up to the Top 5 in the near future.

6. Play full-time professional football.

There are "professional" female football leagues that exist but here's the catch--it can't be these women's full-time job because they actually have to pay to play. In other words, there are no women that play football as a career because they are LOSING money, not earning salaries upwards of $10 million. Women have attempted to play in the NFL with men, but needless to say, none have been very successful. Establishing a WNFL doesn't sound like a crazy idea.

7. Be a Catholic priest...

Unfortunately, priests are supposed to resemble Jesus' apostles, all of whom were male, so it will be hard to convince any devout Catholic that a female priest is a good idea. However, if the Catholic church begins liberalizing in conjunction with the rest of the world (and other denominations of Christianity), hopefully, females will soon assume this role.

8. ...or the Pope.

As with the problems with female priests, it might be some time before females rise to the head of the Catholic church. While that vision seems rather lofty, women have made tremendous strides in recent centuries, decades, and even in recent years. Therefore, we shouldn't give up hope on this dream yet.

9. Direct the FBI or CIA.

The bottom line is that our government is *very* short on females. In fact, in the U.S., women occupy only one-fourth of the seats in both the House and the Senate. If we want the government to be at least somewhat representative of our population, we need to have women start taking on these key roles so women can start infiltrating the branches of government and the bureaucracy.

10. Become a Navy SEAL.

It's safe to assume that becoming a Navy SEAL is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting when 75% of the people who begin training don't finish. In the summer of 2017, one woman attempted to go through such training but she dropped out about halfway through the assessment program. However, as women, we have endured enough. Therefore, there must be women out there who can survive the rigor of becoming a Navy SEAL.

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