Why Your Motivation Doesn't Last
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Student Life

Why Your Motivation Doesn't Last

Help confronting that motivational enemy that we all have.

Why Your Motivation Doesn't Last
Life Hacker

Being a college student is hard. Hell, it can technically be considered a full-time job. (Yes, you can put "student" on a job application if you have no prior work experience and, no, I'm not saying you'll, indeed, get it). As a college student myself, I know I lack motivation sometimes and often wonder how the procrastination demon seems to consume me too often. Lacking motivation is a serious offense and can be deeper than your usual "I'll do it later." It comes down to your mental and physical strength and what you consider to be your reason "why."

Staying motivated can be extremely challenging and without the proper mindset it can ultimately lead to failure. To help conquer that inner sloth and turn yourself into a motivated Kung Fu panda, here are five reasons why you may be the ultimate couch potato, and five tips that typically get me out of an unmotivated muck.

1. Either the lack, or the excuse, of sleep

Yes, sleep is a beautiful thing, and I definitely agree that, if all else fails, sleep. But that should be your last resort, especially if you have ample time to sleep later. Stay up and try to focus on the task at hand and let sleep be your reward after. Lack of sleep can also factor into your lack of energy and the need for a "power nap". Even though power naps are very useful and help restore energy, make sure you don't nap too long, and always set an alarm to wake up within the next hour or two to make sure it doesn't turn into a power slumber.

2. Social media and beyond

Wasting time on social media might sound like a good idea when you want to stalk your ex, when you have nothing better to do, or when you do have something better to do but just don't want to do it. Facebook is the bane of my existence and I've hopped on the social media train a few times even while writing this. But we must persevere and finish what we start, like this list. Seriously, stop spending so much time in "social media land." Close that Facebook tab, get off your Instagram and, honestly, maybe just turn off your phone so you can stop Snapchatting about how much work you're not doing. (Guilty!) I know being socially deprived sucks, but you'll get over it and give yourself a pat on the back when you finally finish Ms. What's-her-face's literary essay, and further motivate you to do Mr. What's-his-face's pre-calculus homework.

3. Not having plans or goals

Unfortunately, there isn't a magical way to get everything you want with the snap of your fingers. You have to work for what you want, and working on not doing work is not the way to go. Not having goals or not giving yourself tasks to complete can keep you in that unmotivated slump. Stop wasting time and make the magic happen for yourself. Think big and start setting goals. I try waking up and setting two to three goals for the day while planning how to devote my time. Spending 40-50 minutes on your task and giving yourself 10-15 minute breaks in between is more beneficial than sitting there psyching yourself out, still thinking about how much time it's going to take to get it done. Just do it. (No, this wasn't sponsored by Nike).

4. Fear and overthinking

Instead of taking you to an AA meeting, and preaching that F.E.A.R is False Expectations Appearing to be Real, you can read this instead and let AA rock. I know a lot of weight comes from doing homework, writing papers and dealing with family and personal problems, but don't let that stop you. Try using the negativity to push yourself forward. Did bad on your first test? Try to study harder for your second, and seek help from your professor, or request a tutor. Stop thinking about what you could have, or should have, done, and stop wasting time on "maybe". You have to believe in yourself and what you want while cancelling out the fear of the unknown because the unknown will remain unknown unless you go out there and try!

5. Having too much on your plate

In high school, I know I always wanted to do everything under the sun, but life after high school gets a little more, what's the word – complicated. Usually, it's good to stay active and involved in other activities besides just your school work, but you have to be aware of time management and the amount of effort that each one of your tasks may require. I know being part of the fencing club is your all time dream, but being intensely into 10 other clubs or activities may make your influence, and your time spent in each one, hard while trying to balance biology and physics classes. Being swamped with work and other commitments can be very stressful and may demotivate you from doing anything else. After taking on so much, you might start half-assing your commitments because you can't handle it all. By carrying an organizer and staying on top of just a few things instead of a dozen, you will see that it's better and more efficient.

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