Why You Should Watch 'Luke Cage'
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Why You Should Watch 'Luke Cage'

Marvel's Luke Cage needs to be on your binge list.

Why You Should Watch 'Luke Cage'

On September 30, 2016, Marvel debuted their new show, "Luke Cage," on Netflix. Since then, there have been several articles criticizing the show. Critics have called the show too black and said there is not much diversity in the cast. I beg to differ. The show is a must watch and I am going to give you the four reasons why "Luke Cage" should be on your TV watch list (no specific order):

1. The female character development

The female character development is something I have never seen.They didn't use the women characters just to shove in a relationship. They stood on their own. I watch television shows all day everyday, but I have yet to see minor female characters which so much spice that they outshine the main character, no offense Luke! First, let's talk about the greatness that is Misty Knight. She was the character that you wanted to win so badly because she deserved it. Throughout the plot, we were given bits and pieces of her story but ultimately you were left wanting more.

Now, I haven't seen other Marvel shows so this was my first introduction to Claire Temple and I can say she definitely made a lasting impression. Claire may have been just a nurse but the way she cared for Luke was a super power in itself. She was the definition of ride or die. Also, it was nice to see Claire in her action moments where she defended herself. She definitely made me want to go back and watch the other Marvel shows so that I could learn more about her.

Last but not least, let's talk about Mariah Dillard. First of all, I love Alfrie Woodard so I was excited to see her on my screen. I'm used to her playing softer characters so seeing her portrayal of Mariah Dillard was a pleasant surprise. As much as you want to hate Mariah Dillard, you end up loving how three dimensional she is. Even though it appeared that Cottonmouth was in control, you could tell that Mariah was really running the show. She is very multi-faceted and it was fun seeing her manipulate certain characters. She knows how to work her angles which makes her even more enjoyable. Also, her one-liners were everything!! I double damn dare you, trick!

2. Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stoke

Cottonmouth. Cottonmouth. Cottonmouth. Let me start off by saying that he is fine. *heart eyes* A man that knows how to dress is always attractive. Plus that smile! Bless it. He's that character that you hate to love. He does everything with a purpose. At moments, you think that this man will fail but he always has another card that he pulls from his back pocket that tells you not to count him out. Just like his sister, he has different sides to him. On one side, there is a man that's full of power and you can see it clearly in his meetings. Then there is also his softer side that makes you want to like him, but then seconds later, you are reminded why you hate him. The thing that I love most about this character is his evil laugh. I always thought super villains had the corniest evil laugh but not him. His is just perfection!

3. The Culture

Harlem!!!! I've seen glimpses of Marvel's other Netflix shows and they've always done well with scenery but "Luke Cage" was so New York to me. The show just screams New York and did not stop until the season was over. From Luke Cage battling his foe's minions while Wu Tang Clan is playing to the cameo by Method Man. There are several nods to the hip hop culture in New York. Cottonmouth also has a powerful scene that features a painting of the late and great, Notorious B.I.G. in the background.

It even showcased glimpses of old New York. The show spoke about people from the Harlem Renaissance like Langston Hughes. They also speak on heroes of African American's past like Crispus Attucks. Also, some of the music in the show is very seventies which is an obvious nod to "Shaft," a cop movie created in the 1970's that some would consider a hero. The many nods to black culture definitely made me appreciate the show even more.

4. Luke Cage!!

Last but not least, Luke Cage. So I've spoken on how fine Cottonmouth is but we definitely need to talk about Luke Cage as well. Something about his mystique definitely attracts you to his looks. He starts off as the cliche superhero, you know, the ones that don't believe their powers would make a difference? However, as the series goes on, you learn that there is soooo much more to him. There is also a lot of art imitating life through this character. First of all, Luke Cage was wrongfully convicted of a crime that he didn't commit. This isn't something that is new. It happens a lot more than we realize.

Second of all, he is a black man wearing a hoodie who is bulletproof! This message is so relevant during our day and age where a black man wearing a hoodie is seen as something frightful. One of the show's producers, Cheo Hodari Coker, stated that this was done on purpose. "I wanted to show that heroes could wear hoodies, too."

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