Sweater Weather And Sweet Potatoes Among Reasons November Is Everything
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Sweater Weather And Sweet Potatoes Among Reasons November Is Everything

From new films, to appreciating a sweet potato.

Sweater Weather And Sweet Potatoes Among Reasons November Is Everything

The holiday season is just around the corner, and with that comes the month of November. Most people would assume the only thing to look forward to is Thanksgiving, and maybe even a little holiday shopping. But actually there are many things to be excited for this month, including new films, music, and for any astronomy lovers, a meteor shower. So here is my quick list of things that make November 2015 special!

1. "Spectre"

Bond is back in a new thriller film that will be released November 6, 2015. The new film follows James Bond (Daniel Craig) as he uncovers a sinister organization and makes an eerie discovery. The film also features a new bond theme, "Writing's On The Wall," by Sam Smith and is a must to listen to this month. The song still gives me chills when I hear it.

2. Movember

Men growing mustaches for an entire month has become an annual event around the world. The event creates awareness for men's health issues, including depression, prostate cancer, and many other illnesses. The Movember campaign encourages men to seek early cancer screenings and find effective treatments for health issues. And hey, who doesn't love a good mustache?

3. Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Now, this one I had never even heard of, but needed to include in this list: Sweet Potato Awareness Month. Full of potassium and Vitamins A and C, these amazing vegetables deserve their own month. So in celebration, enjoy those yummy sweet potato fries you have been craving.

4. New Music: Adele's "25," Ellie Goulding's "Delirium," etc.

This month includes many new releases of music, including Adele, CeeLo Green, One Direction and more. For a complete list of upcoming album releases, see my previous article.

5. "Friday the 13th"

So the spooky celebrations can continue this month as November includes a "Friday the 13th."

6. Chilly Weather

The cold weather continues this month, which means finally pulling out those sweaters, scarves, and mittens. Hot beverages are also a necessity in this weather, and who doesn't enjoy a hot chocolate in a cute Starbuck's red cup!

7. Leonid Meteor Showers

The famous showers are at its peak at midnight on Nov. 17 and early morning on Nov.18 this month. Leonid Meteor shower often includes a meteor storm and typical rates include about 10 to 15 meteors per hour in a very clear, dark sky. So definitely pull out some blankets, and head outside to watch the stars on Nov. 18!

8. "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2"

The final conclusion to the "Hunger Games" trilogy is released Nov. 20. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) teams up with the other districts to finally take the great Capitol down. Who's ready to see Jennifer Lawrence shoot exploding arrows in this action-packed finale?

9. Thanksgiving

One of the best holidays of the year, as it involves the simple task of eating. A day of eating comfort foods such as roasted turkey, hot mashed potatoes, and even some grilled corn. The day also includes the famous New York City Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with gigantic balloons, and amazing parade floats.

10. Black Friday/Cyber Monday

The crazy Christmas shopping season kicks off on these two insane sale shopping days. With ridiculous deals, shoppers line up in the early morning the Friday after Thanksgiving to grab their discounted items and if the early, cold weather shopping is not appealing, just wait for Cyber Monday for the incredible deals.

11. Early Holiday Preparation

And as November draws to a close, the holiday season continues, and soon the streets are lined with fairy lights, and winter window displays. Families decorate their homes and lawns with lights and displays as the month of celebration soon begins.

So that was my quick list of exciting things to come in November 2015! Are you looking forward to any of these things? Let me know in the comments below.

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