The topic of Syrian Refugees is no new news, but what is new is how many children have been killed. There have been a few videos floating around the internet that have really changed my perspective on what these people are going through. I have always been pro-"we need to help these people," but after the catastrophes that have taken place in Aleppo, I think it is time that we reconsider these people's cries for help.
This first video was the one that really hit it off for myself. There are so many children and people in general that were living their lives like any normal person. You see in this video that this girl goes from a normal life to losing her home, her father, her clothes, and her sanity. Truly this is PG for what is really going on in Aleppo and the rest of Syria.
The next video I saw circulating around was of a one-month-old baby girl.
Such devastation was too much for this volunteer rescuer that he broke down as he saved this small, innocent child. While this little baby was lucky to survive, there are still hundreds of children being buried under rubble, and the rescuers and doctors continue to decrease.
This last video has made its way around the Internet, but I want to bring it to light again. This boy was pulled from the rubble covered in dirt and blood after an airstrike.
I cannot even begin to imagine the fear this little boy experienced. Not only did he have to endure a building toppling down on him from an airstrike, he also had to sit in the ambulance while cameras zoned in on him while he sat there and bled. It's time to drop the cameras and help.
This is truly devastating.
America. People. Imagine if this were us.
I cannot help but cry for these poor babies that are having to experience such trauma. It truly makes my heart hurt. I do not know what the solution is to help these people, but we must help them. I know many Americans do not want Syrian refugees in this country, but at least take into your heart and mind that they do need help. The least we can do is educate ourselves over the matter in Aleppo and donate to these people who have lost everything.
Imagine these children being your own. No child should have to go through something like this. More than 50,000 children have lost their lives in Syria. We need to be the change to save these lives.
People are people. A life is a life. These people whose lives have been altered forever are begging and pleading for the help of the American people. It starts with us. Be proud of that as an American, and save the people of Syria.