Why You Should Invest In A Gym Membership
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Health and Wellness

10 Reasons Why Investing In A Gym Membership Is The Smartest Thing You'll Do In 2019

It's the best thing you can do for yourself.

10 Reasons Why Investing In A Gym Membership Is The Smartest Thing You'll Do In 2019

Investing in a gym membership is a frightening thought to many simply because it involves a large sum of money and commitment. Don't get me wrong, there are times I dreaded going to the gym when I would much rather have sat at home eating ice cream and watching Netflix, but the investment of a gym membership is worth it.

1. Motivation 

Paying for a gym membership will motivate you to go to the gym because you are paying for it and if you're paying for something you don't want it to go to waste. That thought in the back of your head telling you to go to the gym will be more prevalent because of your investment so therefore, you will be motivated to go.

2. Staying fit

Investing in a gym membership is quite literally the smartest thing because you will stay in shape as long as you work hard. Oftentimes, people make losing weight seem like such a huge deal and make it seem so hard, but honestly, it's just as simple as consistency and awareness. As long as you work out and eat right, you're guaranteed to see results.

3. Relieves stress 

Whether you're overwhelmed with school or trying to figure out how the heck you're going to pay your bills or even if you and your bae should call it quits, life is stressful. Being able to have a place to go to and exercise is critical. Many people don't realize this, but going to the gym and working out in any way is extremely beneficial because it produces chemicals in your brain that calm anxiety or other forms of stress.

4. Tons of equipment 

The beauty of a gym is access to a plethora of different machines and equipment. You get a gym membership and don't have to worry about investing in different weights or machines because the gym already has them! Plus it saves space in your house or dorm room (which we all love). At the gym, you can find all the weight and cardio machines you could ever imagine as well as tons of other weight training equipment as well.

5. Classes 

Working out on your own is not for everyone which is why investing in a gym membership opens to door to way more than just machines. As a member of a gym, you have access to tons of classes that range all the way from yoga or Zumba to HIIT or Barre. Being in a class environment is a lot less stressful than working out on your own because there is an instructor available telling you what to do to get the best workout.

6. Controlled temperatures 

Instead of running in the scorching heat or freezing cold, the gym is a place of 'refuge' where you can workout year-round and not have to worry about weather conditions affecting your workout. Weather is not always the kindest, which is why a gym is so incredible. You have a place to escape the crazy elements that Mother Nature decides to cook up.

7. Make new friends 

A gym is not only a place to better yourself, but it is a place to meet new people. Going to the gym on a somewhat consistent basis allows for you to start recognizing people giving you the opportunity to befriend them. The gym is always more fun with friends, so why not embrace it and meet new people. Even if you're shy, you will definitely meet more people than you would always working out by yourself at home.

8. Feel accomplished!

Picture this: trudging to the gym after a long hard day of work or school or rolling out of bed halfway asleep opening the gym doors, but then you walk out you feel refreshed and accomplished. That's how you always feel after getting a good workout at the gym. The feeling of accomplishment, knowing that you did something that wasn't easy and killed it is so amazing and is something you should never pass up.

9. More energy 

Getting your body used to exertion and working out is the best way to get tons of energy as ironic as it may sound. As you consistently hit the gym, you train your body to be more energetic because you're just staying active. Keeping your body active is the best way to be fully energized instead of staying on the couch all day and watching TV.

10. Better sleep 

Sleep is something more and more people struggle with as time goes on, but working out doesn't just tire your body out, it allows your mind to let you fall asleep easier. Scientists don't exactly know what part of exercise helps you get better sleep, but they do know that it allows your brain to have longer amount of deep sleep. Working out triggers something in your brain that allows for better sleep because your brain is able to slow down easier.

No matter what you might tell yourself, investing in a gym membership has so many benefits which is why it is probably the best thing you can do for yourself now and forever.

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