Why "Will and Grace" is an Underrated Show | The Odyssey Online
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'Will and Grace' Needs More Appreciation For These 8 Reasons

From being one of the first shows about gay culture, to now being an updated version of today's comedy.


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The television show "Will and Grace" was a popular show back in the late 90's, early 2000's, and now has been rebooted. Yet I think it is such an underrated show, and it has dealt with topics that were not talked about that much back when it first came out. Now, it has formed into a modern version of the good humor and friendship it had back then. Here is why it deserves a little more recognition.

1. It is one of the first shows on television with LGBT characters.


Some of the main characters, Will Truman and Jack McFarland, are both openly gay characters living in New York City. The show was under a lot of criticism when it came out because it included topics about the LGBT community. Now that it is more accepted in 2018, the modern seasons of the show include even more about the LGBT community, even including gay bars and drag queens.

2. The show has unfiltered and blunt characters like Karen Walker.


Karen Walker, friend of roomies Grace Adler and Will Truman, is married to a rich man and acts like the stereotypical over privileged white woman. She's unfiltered, ruthless, hilarious and sometimes sensitive (but very rarely.) She is a constant source of entertainment on the show.

3. It has independent business women in it like Grace Adler.


Grace works as an interior designer, and develops her own business. In the later and newer seasons, Grace also runs for a position in New York for interior designers. She may need the support of Will, her best friend, but knows how to design and does her job well. Grace's character even opens up about sexual abuse, a topic very relevant to today.

4. It has had and still has awesome guest stars.


Over the years, "Will and Grace" had guest stars like Neil Patrick Harris, Debbie Reynolds, Nick Offerman, David Schwimmer, Alec Baldwin, Patrick Dempsey and many more.

5. It is relatable to all us young adults, or 20 somethings heading into full adult survival mode.


Whether you are a college student struggling to stay emotionally and physically alive, or even going through a mid life crisis, "Will and Grace," has a moment for you.

6. It goes through every stage of a relationship.


Whether the characters are madly in love or going through heartbreak, the show captures every stage of a relationship.

7. It is about how friendship never fails, no matter what.


Through fights, crying and laughing, Will and Grace's friendship always remains intact. As well as the other characters who share close friendships, like Karen and Jack, they always find a way to remain friends and forgive one another.

8. It is also just funny, and you should watch it if you want a good laugh.


If you are looking for a show that might be just as good as "Friends," I highly recommend "Will and Grace." You will love the character and humor, not to mention the meaningful moments in it as well.

Now go watch it, you have no reason not to.


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