Growing up, school was--and for some of us still is--an integral part of our lives. We spend a lot of our childhood and young adult lives inside of a classroom, working our butts off to get good grades, trying to secure a good future for ourselves. School can be a necessary why not do it in a place that you love? I'm sure by now we've all read the Harry Potter books and/or seen the movies. If you're anything like me, you've been waiting for your Hogwarts letter to arrive in the mail since you first saw Harry get his. Going to Hogwarts seems like it would make school so much more enjoyable.
1. Hogwarts is beautiful.
Who wouldn't want to live here? Sure, you have to go to classes, but at least you get to do it while living in a castle. It almost makes you want to study.
2. What cafeteria can compete with this one?
It's a cafeteria where delicious food magically appears and the seasons change indoors. Just let that sink in. No more gross cafeteria food or sticky seats.
3. You get to take wizard classes.
Learning how to perform spells and make potions sounds like a lot more fun than calculus. You may have to take other classes like history, but at least it will be wizard history. I can see why Hermione is always excited to go to school.
4. They have Quidditch.
The game may seem a little dangerous, but I think the fun outweighs the danger. Getting to ride around on brooms with Harry, Ginny, and Ron, scoring goals and chasing the golden snitch, all while beating Malfoy? Sign me up.
5. Pets are allowed.
Harry has Hedwig, Hermione has Crookshanks, and Ron has Scabbers--although Scabbers did turn out to be an evil wizard in disguise. I've wanted a messenger owl ever since I read the books. And bringing my cat to school would be pretty cool, too.
6. The paintings talk.
It may be a little creepy at first, but what better way to learn about art and history than from the paintings themselves? Plus, you'd probably never be lonely with paintings to talk to.
7. Ghosts are a thing, too.
Like the paintings, the ghosts may take some getting used to, but I bet they could tell some interesting stories. Plus, Halloween would be pretty cool.
8. You could get a Weasley sweater.
We all know you want one. If Mrs. Weasley made me a sweater, I would not be complaining and if you go to Hogwarts, there's a chance that you can find an in with the Weasleys.
9. You could meet Professor Mcgonagall.
Mcgonagall has to be one of my favorite people at Hogwarts. A smart, sassy woman who can kick butt? I would love to take her classes.
10. Hagrid, too.
Loyal, caring, fun, and always showing up with new, amazing animals, Hagrid is one of my favorite people. I know I said that about Mcgonagall, but we can't we have multiple favorites? I would love to have Hagrid as my friend.
11. You get to see magical creatures.
Buckbeak, dragons, Fluffy the three-headed dog--the list never ends. Sure, some may try to kill you, but they're still pretty cool to look at, learn about, and ride.
Obviously, this list is lacking. I could go on forever about all of the magical people, animals, places, and others reasons why Hogwarts is the best school. With that being said, I think even this limited list is enough to make you want to go to this school. Don't worry, I'm sure all of our letters just got lost in the mail.