If you are a lot like me, you absolutely despise math. Ever since I was little, math has just never clicked with me, and I am just awful at it. You'll do anything to avoid a class with numbers, but somehow you always seem to take the road in life where math is more than heavily involved. Whether it's algebra, calculus, trigonometry, physics, or statistics, you suck at all of it. As a non-math major, it peeves me that I even have to take a few math prerequisites.
Math courses in college are considered one of the most failed courses. Why you might ask? Probably because 90 percent of the students have no idea what is being taught, so we don't retain any information. When you're also taking four other classes, trying to memorize 35 different steps can be a tad confusing.
You go to a math tutor, study groups, do a million different reviews and still have no idea what you're doing. After a while of not understand anything it becomes overwhelming, and you start to get pretty angry at: yourself, professor, your advisor, and pretty much everyone. Then the tears begin to flow. There have been a lot of those shed this semester all over due to crappy math courses.
Math courses put so much stress on you, as if you don't already have enough stress in college. Now you have to worry about passing a low-level math class, just so you can officially declare your major.
It can make a person feel incredibly dumb, and like they have the attention span of a fish. I have around 4 nervous breakdowns a week just because of my math course. It can really discourage a person and make them think they aren't trying hard enough. When in all actuality they're doing everything in their power.
So to whoever makes the curriculum in college, I'm not saying change the rules because we all know that's not going to happen. However, maybe every once in a while let us students do some extra credit so your failing rate for a math course won't be 70 percent. From one aggravated student to all of you out there – I feel your pain. As a person who could quite possibly fail her college math course, again, just think it could be worse (the world could be ending, that's kinda worse). So just remember: