Why Your Sister is Your Real Soulmate
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Why Your Sister is Your Real Soulmate

Why Your Sister is Your Real Soulmate

If you are lucky enough to be #blessed with an older sister, this article is for you.

When you were a child, your sister was always the one who tortured you by flaunting her new toys (most likely barbies or beanie babies) in your face, and got mad when you hung out with her and her older friends. But if you were ever teased by the mean girls in 1st grade, she always had your back. You shamelessly copied everything she did because lets face it; she was the COOLEST person you knew.

During your tween years, you bonded over watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Full House, and of course, Boy Meets World. You watched her go to her first Brittany Spears concert wishing you were going too. You played Pretty Pretty Princess and stole all of her cool Limited Too clothes. In every single picture your parents took during these years, you both had some sort of matching ensemble. And you looked damn cute in it!

Then came those teenage years, where you were either best friends or worst enemies. She got you through all your dumb high school drama and fights with your parents, and was there for you with every single boy problem. From hookups to breakups, she was your rock. When you were just a self-conscious little 15 year old freshman, you got to visit her in college and go to a….wait for it…. FRAT party. It was the coolest night of your life, and you basically thought she was a celebrity/goddess for having such a cool life. When you came back and told all your friends about your weekend at college, you basically thought you were the shit...but lets be real, you were still in your awkward phase. Towards the end of high school, she hated you because you got away with WAY more than she ever could in high school. When she had a strict 10 PM curfew, you were out until midnight or later and your parents didn’t say a thing.

The summer before college, you went and stayed with her at her amazing apartment in New York City (or maybe that was just me). You were amazed at how much she grew up and how this awkward drama geek turned into this incredibly beautiful 22 year old that now has a life of her own. These were the best 7 days of your summer and made you realize how lucky you are to have such an amazing sister like her. Doesn’t matter if you stay in and spend $100 at Trader Joes attempting to make a gourmet meal at home, or go out to bars in the city, you always have fun.

Now you are in college and go to the same school that she went to. You call her everyday and relive the memories that she had when she went there. You are counting down the days until she comes to visit you and snuggles with you in your extra long twin bed.

My sister is my role model, and THE MOST AMAZING (I’ve used this word too much, but this is the only word that suffices) GIRL I’ve ever met. To say that I am lucky to have her is an understatement. I won the (sister) lottery. The bond between sisters is sacred! Your sister knows you better than ANYONE in the world. She is better than any boy you will ever meet and is your one true soulmate. WARNING TO ALL OF MY SISTERS POTENTIAL HUSBANDS: Don’t even try talking to her, because none of you will ever be good enough for her.

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