Why People Hate Feminism
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Why People Hate Feminism

A brief guide for feminists on why everyone else is fed up with you.

Why People Hate Feminism

So I recently read this article by yet another woman who chooses to reject feminism. Little to my surprise, the comments on this article are flooded with people telling her how ignorant she is about what feminism actually is. Comments about how "its about equality" or "without feminism you wouldn't have the right to vote" will be found along with attacks on the author.

Now I've been following feminist lunacy ever since August of 2014, and its become obvious that most feminists don't seem to understand why people don't like them. In fact, it seems kinda odd that only around 23% of the population identifies as feminist and yet a disproportionate amount of damage control is done to remind people that it's not about hating men. People are coming out in droves to oppose some of the batshit lunacy that comes out of the feminist/social justice schools of thought. But instead of being willing to listen, legitimate criticism gets written off in a variety of fallacious ways. So allow me to 'mansplain' to you why feminism is so unpopular.

1. Misandry

Stereotypes typically exist for a reason, and the stereotype of the man-hating Feminazi isn't as much a myth as some would like it to be. Most feminists I've personally talked to seem to think man-hating is exclusive only to the radical lesbian separatist's, and they'd be right to a degree. The most overt hatred comes from those types of people; however people like Andrea Dworkin, Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan were the thinkers of their time. Their ideas were the foundation from which some tenants and maxims of feminism were built upon, all of which can be traced back to some degree to Valerie Solanas' SCUM manifesto. All of them are on record saying some pretty questionable things even when taken into context. One of the core tenants of feminism during its second wave was essentially "make the personal, political" and as a result, feminism seems to appeal to some incredibly damaged and disturbed individuals, who are now influencing the next generation of strong independent fish who don't need no bicycles. Yet all of this is somehow justifiable when it's done ironically. I mean some people actually had the nerve to call the SCUM manifesto a satire despite the fact Solanas seemed willing to act on what she said in her book. Never mind the fact some feminists have no problem getting people fired for "ironic" misogyny. I'm aware that not all feminists hate men, what i have a problem with is the fact that much of feminist theory is rooted in someone's hatred of men.

2. "It's about equality"

Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs better! seriously read Animal Farmfor an explanation of why people hate this one. I would like to remind you that the belief that women should be given equal opportunities to men is not exclusive to feminism. There are other more logical philosophies that hold that belief as one of their core tenants (I.e. egalitarian humanism) and it's really fucking creepy when you try to get people to use the feminist label. Tell me, if you believe that you should treat your neighbor how you would want to be treated, does that make you a Christian by default? No. So why should the fundamental human belief of equality be exclusive to feminism by default?

In reality, to the outside observer, feminism does not seem to fight for equality. In fact, there have been many organizations that represent different schools of feminist thought that have acted in ways that are antithetical to equality, if not downright supremacist. Take for instances state chapters of the National Organization for Women in; Michigan, New York, Florida, and many others blocking default shared parenting bills. This is incredibly strange since second wave feminism was originally for joint custody, even with people like Gloria Steinem championing it. And yet most feminists will tell me, with a straight face mind you, that it's because of the patriarchy that women are considered the primary caregivers in family court. You also have the fact that there is SIX TIMES MORE GENDER BIAS THAN RACIAL BIAS IN OUR COURT SYSTEMS IN FAVOR OF WOMEN, and yet even despite this feminist groups still find women to be the primary victims of discrimination in the penal system with some even suggesting women's prisons should close entirely.

3. But those aren't real feminists

May I ask what a real feminist actually is? Or what kind of feminism is the one true feminism? Who the hell is even the official leader of the feminist movement? I feel like we have this same conversation when it comes to religion, the only difference being we at least have a holy book to analyze with Christianity or Islam. This is pretty much the same kind of argument we have when it comes to religion. Modern feminism has become a cluster-fuck of not really Scottish people pretending to be straw men all living in a commune somewhere in Scotland, despite living in said commune in Scotland all their life, but trust them they're not actually Scottish, just listen and believe them when they tell you their not actually Scottish. It has gotten to the point where I can counter any feminist talking point by citing other self-identified feminists. So much so I could probably write a whole other article doing so. But really why is it that feminists like CH Sommers get booed and protested on college campuses for even suggesting that modern feminism has lost its goddamn mind? In fact, why is there so much vitriol directed at women who disagree with you? Feminists say they want women's voices to be heard...So long as they say what Feminists want them to say. Why is someone like Lauren Southern, a strong, opinionated woman who actually practices equality, hated by feminists to the point that they throw urine at her for questioning their ideas? And then cheer for assaulting her?! Seriously feminists, own your own crazies for once in your goddam life before you go lumping people like Roosh V or Elliot Rodger in with the people who advocate for men's rights, who according to feminists are the real hate group.

4. "But feminism helps men too"

No... it doesn't. Ideas like "Privilege theory" and "Patriarchy" are blinders to any struggles we go through as men, because it is assumed that all men are a class of people that are above women as a class of people, and then feminists go and tell women that they have a right to class hatred. when in reality that's only true for maybe the top ten percent of men. They very rarely talk about the fact that the very lowest ends of society are also a male-only club. Take for example the fact that men have made up a large majority of the suicides for at least half a century. And when they do, well...

I could easily go on about everything that's wrong with feminism, but I'll close with this: The only difference between medicine and poison is the dosage. Feminism crossed the toxic threshold at least 30 years ago and is now slowly killing us. Any ideology that uses circular logic as validation for why it needs to exist is proof of how destructive and totalitarian that ideology can potentially be, as in order for it to no longer be valid, everyone must agree with it. That should scare you to your very core dear reader.

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