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Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge is ubiquitous, it takes part in everything we do.

Knowledge Is Power

Everyone has heard this, deep yet undeniably true phrase, “knowledge is power.” We hear it in our classrooms, we read it in our books, and we subconsciously crave it. We’re always in need of answers, solidarity, and the simplicity of knowing. Knowing allows us to think, thinking allows us to act, and acting allows us to live and experience. Experience shapes our knowledge, influences our behavior, and its strength is powerful enough to provide meaning in our lives. Experience translates into the knowledge that enables our minds to go above and beyond the limits we thought we’d never cross. Because the truth of the matter is, there are no boundaries: no confines of knowledge we must adhere to.

Knowledge is infinite. It lies in the horizons our minds have risen to. It lies in the thoughts we have given life to. It lies in the eyes we look into. It lies in the expression of our thoughts, the words that linger from our lips, and the motives behind our actions. It is in the classrooms of our universities. It is in the layers of complexity that helped formed my one of a kind perception of the world. Knowledge is the education I immersed myself into that will one day allow me to pursue my passions outside of the classroom I acquired them in.

Knowledge brings us awareness of the world, about every element that exists within it. It helps us to be observers, and see what's in between the lines. It allows us to be active, and not passive viewers of art and people. Through knowledge, we explore our thoughts and acquire an idea we didn't have before. It enables us to be critical thinkers and put pressing issues into the perspective of all angles, and the degrees of extremity within them. Knowledge makes us credible in our work, in our art, and our persona. Knowledge allows us to understand that one person in a way that no one else can. Knowledge allows us to compare and contrast, and never to conform to restrictive norms. Knowledge is knocking on our door every day with an opportunity patiently waiting to break through.

Knowledge is the feeling we endured after that mistake we made. But knowledge is also our way of knowing to never make that same mistake again. It is the emptiness we feel after losing someone, and the fullness we felt in the presence of them. It is behind the function of our brain. It is the understanding of our world. It is the structure of our words. It is the heart of the conversation. It is ubiquitous. It goes far beyond the notion of power. However, above all, it is something that can never be taken away from you. Once you learn something new, and it changes your view of the world, it is yours to keep forever.

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