Being a middle child definitely has its ups and downs. Not being able to say that you're the oldest or youngest can be strange. Often times people believe that the middle child is the "forgotten one" out of the children. I must say, there has been times where I have pulled this card and blamed things on me being in the middle. As I grow older, however, I realize how ridiculous that was to do. I've learned that being a middle child isn't all that bad, and I have come to appreciate it. Here is why I am glad that I am a middle child.
Being in the middle means you have an older sibling for advice.
As I think more and more about how I grew up, I am so happy I have an older sister. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I go to her for literally everything. Whether it's advice on school, friends, boys or anything else, I know she is always there to help me out. Going through new things like starting college may be very scary. I personally was very nervous about it. She was there for me, however, to make things easier for me. She's been through it all before I have which can be very comforting to know. If she can get through it then so can I, even if I need a little help from her sometimes.
It also means you have an older sibling to protect you.
People can be mean sometimes, it's just a fact of life. Your older sibling however, will always have your back. They don't want to see you hurt and will often times do anything they can to protect you. I know that my sister will always stick up for me and protect me whenever she can. Whether it be from stupid boys or mean friends or just people saying mean things about me, I can count on her to alway be there.
After the first child, parents are much more lenient.
From my own personal experience after the first child, parents are a lot less strict. This comes with the perks of getting things like cell phones, piercings or anything else really, at an earlier age than your sibling did. Although this drives my sister crazy at times, it definitely is one of my favorite things about not being born first.
Having a younger sibling means you can now be the one to give advice.
Being in the middle means you are also technically an older and wiser sibling as well. Although my younger brother doesn't always ask for my advice, I do my best to try and give it anyway. I take every chance I get to try to guide him and make him a better person like my sister did for me.
Having a younger sibling teaches you patience.
It's not always easy dealing with siblings, especially ones that are younger than you. My brother and I are four years apart, so he isn't very mature right now. He honestly drives me nuts at times. He often does it on purpose and loves every second of it. He knows how to test my patience, and definitely is the reason I have any in the first place.
Having a younger sibling reminds you of the exciting things you did growing up.
When you are living through new and exciting mile stones, you often don't stop to think too much about them. Having a younger sibling though lets you remember the good times and see these milestones through new eyes. It's funny to see my brother do the same things I did growing up. It brings me back to when I first experienced those events. I know just how exciting things like getting a cellphone, getting your braces off, or going to your first party may be. Through him I get to remember them all over again and see just how different our experiences may have been.
As much as I may have resented being a middle child in the past, I truly have learned to appreciate it for these reasons as well as many more. Being in the middle doesn't make you the forgotten child. Family is forever and will never forget you regardless of when you were born.