Gymtimidation. We've all had it. The thought of walking into a crowded gym filled with strange looking equipment and droves of pushy people is enough to stop some potential gym-goers dead in their tracks. And people have started to catch on: Planet Fitness capitalizes on the concept of gymtimidation by advertising their gyms as a judgment-free zone. Bulging muscles, stringer tank tops and RBF can send even the most confident person running in the wrong direction: home (ha ha).
Gymtimidation could be caused by a number of things: lack of knowledge of gym equipment, fear of looking inexperienced and "silly", fear of gym bros staring you down, or even the worry of running into acquaintances you'd rather not see. I'm here to tell you that gymtimidation is bullshit and hopefully I can convince you too. Put your fears to rest and let's dispel a few myths to help you be the badass bitch you know you can be.
First of all, not knowing how to use certain machines and equipment in the gym is totally normal. Even the most experienced gym-dwellers may walk into a new gym and not recognize equipment they've never seen before. Don't be afraid to ask the staff how to use something —most machines also have diagrams that depict exactly how to perform the movements and which body parts they target. If human contact isn't your thing I gotchu'—you can use as a resource. The site has a database containing hundreds of exercises with detailed instructions, diagrams, and videos. Treat going to the gym like preparing for a test: you wouldn't take a test without studying beforehand and feeling prepared, would you? Do your homework and figure out what kinds of machines you want to use and how to perform the movements properly before heading to the weight room. Its way more important to learn how to do the exercises properly and with good form than to risk injury by just winging it.
Secondly, people at the gym are more concerned about what they look like than what you look like. I think I can safely say that most people who set foot in the gym are there to work on themselves, physically and mentally. If you feel like people are staring at you, it's probably because you were staring at them first. I am 100% guilty of staring off into space between reps and often find people giving me weird looks because I've been staring at them. The more paranoid glances you throw around the room, the more people will wonder what the heck is wrong with you and stare back. Blast some music, get in the zone, and focus on your own goals and why you're there. Pretty soon you'll forget all about the other people in the room.
Lastly, gymtimidation is all in your head. Nine times out of ten, nobody cares what you're doing and nobody will actually come up to you and say anything. If you do happen to encounter a loud-mouth who mistakenly thinks they are being helpful, kindly ask them if they are a certified personal trainer, wait for their answer, smile, and say "thanks but no thanks." Many exercises have tons of variations (the squat for example) and just because someone else does it differently than you do doesn't mean they're right and you're wrong (especially if you've done aforementioned research). Everyone has their own reasons for going to the gym, their own preferred style of training, and their own goals to achieve. Focus on why you're there and what you need to do. Worrying about other people the entire time might say more about you than it does about them. I can tell you to blast Beyoncé and strut your stuff into the gym all day long but you've got to be the one to take that first step and own your shit.