If you know me well, you know that I'm in love with YouTube. I always come back from class and make a meal and sit down to watch my favorite YouTube channels. These people take us into their every day lives, or make weekly skits or challenges that will have me laughing my ass off. Some of these people help me with what I need to eat to stay healthy, or what workout I'm going to do that day. Some just make me happy because they have dogs in them, because who doesn't love dogs. Overall these channels let me get away from my daily life and into theirs for a part of my day.
1.) Big Nik
Big Nik has slowly became my favorite YouTuber. Most of you will know Nick from his Vines, which to me I never got to see how funny he actually was just in general. I found out how funny this kid is from his vlogs that he puts up every thursday and sunday. Nick has battled dwarfism all of his life, leading to many surgeries, including one that he just had a couple weeks ago that was very life threatening, yet he still puts content out and it's still hilarious. His positive attitude with the situation he's in is very contagious and is a major reason I become to love his channel. If you enjoy vulgar language and hilarious dancing, Big Nik is the man to watch.
This is one of my favorite videos of Nick's. He is getting his x-rays for his neck but stays positive about it and says that funniest things in this video.
2.) Lance Stewart
Lance Stewart is also a person who began on vine and then moved onto YouTube after Vine slowly become unpopular. Lance is best known for him and his grandmas vines. He scares his grandma all the time which is followed by an array of curse words or just plain old nonsense directed at Lance. Lance became one of my favorites due to his daily vlogs that last about 25 minutes. He takes you throughout his whole day and you feel like you're part of his family. From his girlfriend, to his family including his dog, these videos are never dull, and always full of hilarious content.
This is one of my favorite videos of his. Him and his friend go to the gym and his buddy dresses as a girl and works out in front of everyone. I was dying.
3.) Casey Neistat
The OG of the OG's. Casey Nestat is his name, and going viral is him game. The king of vlogging and creating the coolest content every single day, leaving you as the watcher scratching your head wondering why your life isn't like that. From his crazy adventures, to his frequent flights, to his skateboarding down the busy streets of New York, Casey Neistat takes you into his every day life. The only reason that I put him as three is due to him leaving the daily vlog world. He now wants to take time to make more thought out videos and productions. Don't get me wrong, you should still subscribe to him. He has many vlogs you can watch and his current content is amazing.
It was hard to choose a favorite of his. In this video he tries to wakeboard somewhere in British Columbia. Also there is a dog in this video that flies in the helicopter with earmuffs on.
4.) TGFbro
TGFbro is a YouTube channel composed of two people, Romell Henry and Jay Swingler. These two reside in Birmingham Engalnd and they post crazy challenge videos every 5 days that will have you skipping abs that day due to the soreness of your stomach from laughing so hard. I can't tell if it's the accent they have or the skits that they do. Actually it's both, because their challenge videos are priceless and so are their accents.
I think you can tell from the thumbnail what happens in this video. Enjoy.
5.) Christian Guzman
Christian Guzman is a 23 year old fitness coach and entrepreneur from Texas. He is the creater and CEO of Alphalete, which is a fitness clothing brand that many of you may have seen or heard of before. Slowly taking over the whole country, Christian Guzman is slowly making his brand be known all around the world. His daily vlogs are very helpful to anyone looking for workout routines or entrepreneurship motivation. It's insane that he is so close to my age and that really made me interested in his channel knowing that these things are possible. Also he did just get a puppy french bulldog named Ava, so that also helps.
This video is the story of Christian and how he got to where he is. It is by far my favorite video of his and the most inspirational as well.
6.) Danny Duncan
Danny Duncan is just straight up funny as hell. His content is very random and that's what makes it so good! You never know what you're going to be watching and it brings a element of surprise to his channel.
This video is just Danny doing stupid things and you will laugh so hard the whole time. I promise.
7.) Ali Freie
I know that all of these YouTubers I have talked about have been men, so I thought I would include who a talented girl YouTuber is, and she is Minnesota born and raised which makes her that much better. Ali puts up videos giving girls easy and quick make up tutorials. She also has videos on styles during different times of the year and also some vlogs. She has amazing style and if you are looking for a little help in your wardrobe turn to her channel for stylish yet very affordable clothing.
This is just one of her many DYI videos and also you're not breaking the bank.
New York Bully Crew
If you couldn't tell, most of the videos and people I have picked as my favorite YouTubers all have dogs in them. I love dogs especially pit bulls. This channel is of the pitbull rescue team in New York, taking you along the rescues and keeping you up to date on the dogs.
I couldn't pick a favorite but Romeo is one of the cutest and most gentle dogs they rescued. Such a sweetheart.