"I'm not saying I'm going to change the world, but I guarantee that I'm will spark the brain that will change the world." — Tupac Shakur
In the clip above, Tupac Shakur talks about social change in America. He mentions the importance of being that 'spark' for someone else who can potentially change the world. He speaks about empowerment and uplifting the people around us in order to one day see the change we want in society.
This passed week I had the opportunity to be that spark as a facilitator for Central Michigan University's Leadership Camp. Through introducing incoming freshman to the Social Change Model of Leadership, I got to see firsthand one of the many ways I can make an impact on society: empowering others. I am more than grateful for the opportunity to be able to influence young minds to start thinking about social change in their communities, because the possibilities are endless for those with open minds who are empowered to blaze a trail.
Spending so much time learning and understanding the Social Change Model has given me so much more than just the knowledge of how to take steps toward becoming a better leader; it has whet my appetite for social change in society. As a society, we often times associate power with people who have achieved status: Government officials, law makers, or the President. When these people are frequently the ones who make decisions, it becomes easy for one to forget those with ascribed status, the involuntary status one is assigned at birth that is neither earned or chosen. See, we each possess the power to shift the paradigm that is our society. Whether it is bringing attention to an important matter that tends to be swept under the rug, or participating in a local cause that may only impact a small demographic, every effort is a step toward social change. It is only a matter of stepping outside of your realm of comfort, and venturing out into the world to shed light onto issues in society that matter in order to one day, live in a world where we all work together for a common purpose.
With that being said, I challenge you to tap yourself and find something anything you are passionate about. Ask yourself, "what can I do to make an impact?" It is only through your commitment to that issue that you can truly spark something more, because who has the power to make change? Well the answer is quite simple ... I do, and so do you, and so do we.