This is it! The moment you’ve been waiting for since your freshman year and have spent all summer counting down the days. It’s the day you can walk up to your favorite college town establishment with your friends whenever the mood strikes you. Yes, I’m talking about your 21st birthday. For some of us, this wait has seemed eternal, as we have watched everyone around us one by one take that last step into adulthood. But never fear, because it’s your time now and although your celebration may be one of the last of your friend group, it certainly won’t be the least. Since you’ve finally made it, let’s take a moment to reflect on your journey thus far as you’ve become a full-fledged adult.
When the first person in your friend group turns 21.
At first, you’re really excited…until you grasp the sad reality of how long you will have to wait to join this exclusive club.
But then you remember that this means that your own legality is getting ever so slightly closer even if you are the only one showing any enthusiasm about that fact.
Only 200 more days to go guys!
Your friends constantly invite you to their 21+ activities and you’re like:
But then they remind you that you’re too young to participate and you have to pretend you’re totally okay with it.When you are one month out from the big day and your excitement starts to get real.
When the big day finally arrives and you wake up like:
Is this too formal a request?
When you arrive at your favorite establishment at midnight and the bouncer thinks your vertical license is fake.
When you eventually get in and everything is grand and you’re enjoying all the perks of your new age.What are responsibilities?
When you wake up the next morning:
Is this what it feels like to be over the hill?
When you realize that you’re a legal adult and can no longer get away with your previous college student antics.
And then someone reminds you that this is the last milestone birthday you can get excited about…unless you’re really pumped about your quarter-life crisis.But now you can have totally adult expectations for going out with your friends.Congratulations! The long wait is finally over and you are officially a legal adult. People will tell you that turning 21 isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and that the strange feeling of being able to do anything you want all the time will be gone after the first few weeks. Just remember that you have been waiting for this birthday to finally come around since high school and you have watched everyone you know reach the big 2-1 before you, so now that YOUR big day has finally arrived, make the most of it! Maybe this birthday does mean that you have to be somewhat more responsible, you can no longer deny that you are a grown up and you are one step closer to graduation, but it will definitely be a celebration that you will never forget.