When You Give A Girl The Sun
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When You Give A Girl The Sun

Because everything is better in the summer.

When You Give A Girl The Sun
Nicholson Yachts

New England weather- we know what this brings. Long, cold months that seem like they will never end. At some point, it finally does and come summertime, the weather makes a complete 180. Gorgeous sunny days surround New England no matter your destination. And the weather makes for the most beautiful adventurous days that us New England gals cannot get enough of.

Yes, this is the time when you see the most "basic bitches," come out of the woodwork towards the beach with our flip flops and sunglasses. But can you blame us? New England is the best area for gorgeous scenery and even better activities to do outside. More specifically, Rhode Island is filled with different destinations that'll put a smile on just about anybody. What is it about the warm summertime air that makes a girl feel like she has everything she needs? The warmth and comfort we all long for is provided by nature. There is a lighthearted feeling in the air that makes one feel as free as they possibly can. It’s just much easier to forget about one’s problems with the sun in your face and the warm wind in your hair. Finally, there is just a natural romance to summertime that can make you feel much closer to anyone.

When summertime comes around, us Rhode Islander's are the lucky ones. There’s a certain type of liveliness that comes around when the tide rolls in and watching the sun rise. There is nothing better than the feeling of finally being carefree, the summertime can turn anybody's moods in an instant. It’s almost like the summertime is a tangible metaphor for what life is about. If you study it closely, summertime can provide an opportunity to find the necessities of life.

Exploration. Who explores in the cold, slush of the snow? I mean it is fun to explore at any time but it's just different and more enjoyable in the summer. Exploration in the wintertime is great but by the time you are outside for a short time it feels like you have just survived a terrible hardship. Summertime can provide hours of carefree comfortable exploration. The world traces its path for you with all of the different warm colors of the sun. Following the greens and yellows of the forest can lead you to find hidden gems behind the trees or through open fields. There's nothing better than fresh air. One of the best feelings that summer gives you is just a bit more of a carefree attitude. It seems like you have more time to enjoy things. This gives even the simple things in the world new life. It is much easier and realistic to pack a bag and head out for the day led by the path of nature.

The warmth of the sun in summertime changes the perspective of most things. It takes a menacing, dark, cold ocean, into the greatest relief in the world when you are able to swim in that same water. Except instead of being menacing, it is refreshing. Being at the beach during the summer is one of the most carefree and relaxing activities that summer provides. The vibes are always positive. All you see for the entire stretch of beach is all different types of people all enjoying themselves and having fun. Even activities you could do anywhere just seem to become more relaxing on the beach. Such as reading, tossing a ball around, or even napping. Of course, there is one activity that draws people to the beach more than anything else; swimming. The feeling of weightlessness one achieves when floating around in the ocean or local pond is boundless. It really incorporates the carefree feeling of summer in one moment. Not to mention that after a long day at work, or doing other activities outdoors it is always a treat to stumble upon a hidden swimming hole, a treasured pond or even a local beach. What makes it all the more special is the memories that come with each rare find.

The craziest thing that we never seem to immediately think of when we look at the sun is how much life it gives and also takes away. Nothing exemplifies this better than gardening. Gardening can be an extremely enlightening, peaceful, and fruitful experience. It feels great to be able to bring something to life from a seed and see it bloom and blossom with help from the sun. Whether you are a flower lover and garden for aesthetics or are a veggie lover preparing your own salads, the satisfaction is the same. However, you, realize that while putting everything in motion to be successful, it still takes a collaborative effort in order to see the positive results. Very much the way things are in real life. While the sun provides you the opportunity to enjoy the peaceful experience of gardening, it can also ruin it. You have to balance the energy from the sun by keeping your plants hydrated with water. A reminder that life is all about finding a balance between the things you want and need.

it seems as if people are more apt to come together in the midst of a nice, warm summer day. Whether it be new friends, old friends, or in between, you can bet that there's just something about the aroma of a summer day where others come together sharing in activities and bonding over the pure bliss of a beautiful day. Oftentimes there are newfound friends at a park, beach, bar or concert. Providence holds some awesome activities to get one another to enjoy ones' company. Such as the free concert series usually hosted by WBRU (radio station 95.5), or the Waterfires hosted at night that bring the city lights and fire together. There is plenty to do and plenty of people to meet. What are you waiting for?

Oftentimes in the summer, you find yourself having such a good day that you dread knowing that it will have to come to an end. But then the stunning sunsets remind you that the end of the day can be one of the most breathtaking parts. Enjoying a sunset is all about just being at peace with the state of how things are at that moment. In order to enjoy a sunset you have to put everything else out of your mind and just revel in the pure beauty of the magnificent colors and breathtaking view. Embrace the sand between your toes on the beach or the feeling of the cool grass underneath you as you lay with your best friend, significant other, or even just take it all in yourself. A beautiful sunset can be a great ending to a magnificent summer day. Although most of the time that just signifies the fun is just beginning.

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