You are strong because your life has already taken you on a path many people may never know. It was windy and dark. Honestly, it was a little scary but you did not have much of a choice.
Al you could do was suck it up and brave through. Just when it started to clear, you became stronger than you could possibly imagine.
That does not mean there are not times when your roads gets a little bumpy. Or when you get off track. The problem comes when you hold everything in.
You have become so used to deal with things on your own, people do not really know how to help you. Maybe they do not even realize that you need it.
At times, it feels like you are reaching out for a hand and it is not there. You stay on the ground until the storm calms down.
It sucks. It is lonely. But you are so good at not letting it show.
Let me tell you this. Being strong sometimes means asking for help when you need it. Admitting that life is giving you too much to handle on your own does not make you weak. It makes you human.
It helps the ones close to you do what they are there to do. They are there to make sure you are not alone. You will fin the light in the darkness but that is if you let them in.
That is if you take the hand they offer to you.
If you take the hand, it does not mean you have given in or grown up. Even if you think you can do it on your own, let those around you help. Lean on your friends and family.
I promise that it will get better. You may even come out of it even stronger on the other side.
Just because you feel weak at the moment, does not mean you lost all of the strength within you. You cannot lose the kind of strength you have no matter how you feel at the moment.
It does not go away like that.
It stays with you for life, even when you share a little bit of those around you.